
Why do some people can not be added as friends in Yahoo!360?

by  |  earlier

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there is a friend of mine whom i found in yahoo! 360. When I click the invitation in her profile i can only add her to my favoites and there's not that chechbox shown to let me add her as a friend they way she noticed and add me too. While it's not the same about other people.




  1. It seems yahoo wants to give up on it. A lot of us on 360 are signing a petition to have yahoo save 360. here is the link pass it on to all your friends.

    Sign the petition to save 360....Last time I checked 3285 Signatures. I'm #504.

  2. She might have her 360 set to where no one can invite her as a friend unless they are a friend of a friend. You have that option under communications settings - it will ask you if you want everyone on 360 or just friends of friends to be able to invite you. The only other reason would be if she has you blocked. If that is the case then you wouldn't be able to send her emails or look at her blog either.

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