
Why do some people care for their virginity..?

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while some don't?




  1.   As a young man I was interested in moving fast and trying everything that life had to offer and that included relationships with the opposite s*x.   Virginity or lack there of seemed simply a barrier that held people back from the real world for me.  For someone else, maybe it was there world to hold on to it?    

  2. Because a lot of people really would prefer to marry someone that has never "been with" someone else before them. We would like to hope that the person we are marrying stayed true to us even before they met us and will always stay true afterwards. Also, who wants to compete or be compared to with someone else when it comes to the bedroom? There will always be that thought stuck in our heads about who that person slept with before me, did that person have an STD? Could he/she STILL be thinking about him/her?  Some keep their virginity to avoid hurting their future love.

    Some people on the other hand, probably have already lost their virginity and figure it is unfair to expect someone else to have kept theirs for them, after all, we all have to go through a few loves lost before we meet the right person. Also, for some  s*x is just for release, not love and who cares if there was someone else? At least I/he/she had the chance to learn and experiement before ME!

  3. Its just like some care for their studies and some don't.

    Some think studies is important for their respect in society and some think it won't matter...

    now just replace virginity in the above line and read.

  4. 1. Because with every sexual encounter, there comes risks: Pregnancy, STD's, the other person wanting a relationship when you may not, a sense of obligation now that you've done it with someone

    2. Anticipation makes the prize more sweet.

    3. It gives the virgin a sense of self-control in their ability to not let their genitals and hormones control their actions

    4. For some it's a way to feel more of a prize to their eventual lvoer

    5. Some people just can't get laid and use caring for their virginity as an excuse.

  5. some say we always crave something we dont have. it goes for either way,,

  6. cause some are fridgid and some want to have fun

  7. Some guys prefer to be the 1st guy with girl because they love the girl.

    While others do not mind whether they are the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 1000 bf because they are going to dump the girl after they are tired of them.  

  8. some value it more than others. some people think that s*x is a spiritual connection only should be shared within limits of a legal marriage. others view it as a casual way to release stress and have fun.

  9. Virginity is a purity of mind, body and spirit. It is strenuously taxing when two individuals come together to be as one and create a harmonious home and life together.

    If both have been around the block, and have considerable mileage on the speedometer then it becomes a coming together of two plus the associated other passengers who they have past affiliations with.

    Each word, song, memory conjures thoughts of past loves passed. The relationship becomes crowded and doomed to failure. Relationships require focussing and fidelity. This becomes increasingly arduous if both have considerable history.

    Ipso facto it is preferable that both have similar ambitions and ideals and a focused objective to simplify what is an already complex life.

  10. because they were taught to.

  11. People probably care because once you've lost it then that's it, you can never get it back.  Other people see virginity as nothing to be proud of.  We're all different.

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