
Why do some people choose not to get married?

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Why do some people choose not to get married?




  1. Because they did not find the right person.

  2. i choose not to get married because i could never see myself with one person for the rest of my life. it may change over time, but i'm not gonna worry about it. i REALLY don't want to have children, being honest here, i'm too selfish for either marriage or kids.

  3. Well some people feel that they don't need to get married to show how much they love a person and some feel that they don't need to show that they want to spend the rest of their life with a person as well.  Others feel that marriage is a waste of time because marriages never work whilst others feel that marriage may repair any relationship problems that they have.  Then there are some that love their independance and think that marriage is for old fuddy duddys lol.

    I personally have no problems with marriage.  My father has been married to his wife 12 years now and they have been together for almost 16 years so yes, I do believe that marriages work.  Only one uncle in my family has had a divorce everyone else is married and have been together for years.  At the moment I am engaged.

  4. Normally because of a bad experience, which is ashame because they allow ex partners to influence future relationships to the point that they do not allow themselve to move forward.  Hope this helps.

  5. Not everyone is marriage type people, peter puffers and carpet munchers cant get married and some men dont want to lose everything they have when the women decides she has found someone else but feels you owe her for some redicules reason.

  6. Lots of reasons:

    They don't want to be tied down to one person

    They never found anyone they wanted to commit to

    They've been scared off by bad marriages in their family or social circle

    They like being alone

    They have other interests that would get in the way of a marriage

    After being divorced twice I am never getting married again, even though my bf wants to.

  7. For many people (like me), marriage is an outdated tradition.  It was started for political and religious reasons that don't really have anything to do with modern society.  We don't have to marry to ensure purity of the bloodlines.  In fact, many people who do marry, have a few kids, then get divorced and marry someone else, which would be unheard of in the Puritan days.

    And, if you watch Divorce Court a few times, the idea of marriage seems more and more comical (and possibly insane) :)

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