
Why do some people choose to be mean?

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and get a kick out of hurting other people. What do they really get out of it?




  1. They were raised by mean parents.

  2. they must of had a bad childhood growing up. either being neglected or some sort or form of that. they get a kick out of seeing someone get hurt because they were intimidated by someone else and they think that its a powerful feeling having someone intimidated by them. they just have a bad self-esteem

  3. be cause they are jealous, simple minded, scared of the new idea, scared of change my self i get mean if i tell a person to leave me alone or i don't want to listen to what they want to tell me( salesmen preachers etc)  i tell them nicly once then i tell them to fk off

  4. It is all about psychological deficiency complex.  

    Some chose to be mean  just to show that they R in control , but deep down they know by themselves they R scums.

    Others try to be mean because deep down the R so fragile . and they R afraid to show their real feelings . The latter type is the one who usually regrets & apologies personally, but asks U not to tell of his/her apology.

    3rd kind is the type that goes w/ the crowd, just to please his/her gang/group

  5. For some people it is just normal. That's what people do. It could be to do with the way they were raised, experiences in their life or their basic personality type.

    Don't get annoyed at them but rather pity them for not knowing or having understanding of a better way.

  6. They've been screwed over by mean people themselves too many times, or they have self-esteem issues.

  7. Narcissistic personalities delight in nasty behavior to those closest to them because it feeds their ego and gives them a sense of false power. Usually - they can't refrain from it ; and few want help anyway.

  8. they put other people down, just so they can feel better about themselves,

  9. It makes them feel better about them self. Low self-esteem and low self-worth. If you reduce someone to your level (by hurting them), you don't feel so bad.

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