
Why do some people claim to be "anti-war"?

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NO ONE is pro-war. There may be some who view war as an unfortunate option, that needs to be used sometimes. However, nobody celebrates the idea of going to war.

It's very pretentious to pat yourself on the back and say that you are "anti-war". Everyone is.




  1. Remember that it's easier to be "anti-war" than to have to sacrifice anyone or anything of their own to save others from evil situations, but especially when those going through the evil situations are not part of their family or their country.  It's also easier to go out in the streets and collect money, even when their common sense must be telling them that the money will never reach those in need. Or, is even easier to just go to church and pat themselves while saying a prayer, in the eyes of their community.  

    If the forces fighting Hitler during WWII would have been *anti-war*, the only surviving people in this world would be white, with blond hair, blue eyes and speaking German ....

  2. ignorance

  3. I think there are some that are Pro-war but very few.  There are also very few that are Anti-war even though many claim to be.  Lankey Poet says that "Someone who is "anti-war" believes that it is not acceptable, under any circumstances".  I agree with this.  So how many of these anti-war people would have said we should use diplomacy instead of war against Hitler or the Japanese after Pearl Harbor?  Most anti-war people are not anti-war but anti- this war.

  4. It's true, a good portion of war protesters are really just shameless self promoters, but lets not be over cynical.  There are really people who oppose war regardless of the alternatives.  The Sandy Sheehans of the world give sincere pacifists a bad name.  

  5. The war on terror is an excuse the liberal democrats use to promote thier own agenda.  Most of the Democratic senators voted FOR it.

    I see the Presidential race this way:

    Republicans - Free Enterprise and Individualism

    Democrats - Unionization, Socialism, Big Government Intervention (Big Brother)

    That's why you keep hearing the debates over "Corporations" and "Big Business". People will tack on other "taglines" because the Republicans are pro-life (about 60%) and Democrats are Pro choice (abortion is okay) "usually".

    Do your own research, preferably through unbiased HISTORY CHANNEL and historical documents and documentaries. The news media is not a good source for the following reasons:

    Radio Broadcasters and Television news media outlets are also UNION, immediate bias to pro democratic. (CNN & MSNBC are public relations "agents" for the Democrats)

    Hollywood is all UNION therefore what the celebs say, and the recording artists say (UNION) just know there is bias. They get their union performance bookings and are allowed at the "A list" parties because they are UNION Democrats.

    Screenwriters and playwrights are also UNION, so what you see in the movies and on T.V. also has union democratic bias.

    Most teachers and professors belong to UNIONS (pro democrat), which automatically biases their opionion. Most textbooks are written FOR those teachers by UNION writers. Kids are being spoon-fed "socialism", Parents beware!

    Check out the Chicago mafia politics and their union connections. The Crime boss Godfathers put their candidates forward (and judges) to do their underworld will. "Earmarks" or Pork barrel spending is appropriated by the Democratics and funnelled to the Godfathers, that's why they want to RAISE taxes, they are greedy. That's why the Mafia hates corporations, they don't get a piece of the action.

    Unions are the cause of the economic downfall in America, especially inflation, jobs are lost to China & India, efficiency is red taped, sub-standard education because the kids don't get the funding, the administrators do and the Unions are in charge and help worthless teachers keep their jobs.

    Higher construction & building costs = unaffordable homes, Education is skyrocketing (inflation) , higher automobile manf.costs (loss of Detroit jobs).

    In a nutshell, Republicans = Free Enterprise - Democrats = UNIONS (socialism under government control) = New World Order - and the next step is Communism.  If you have any doubts, I highly recommend you google "45 goals of Communism" 1963 was the year it was entered into the Library of Congress.

  6. I suppose that if you accept war as something necessary to achieve whichever ends (this is the majority of people), then you condone war, and are not technically opposed to it. Someone who is "anti-war" believes that it is not acceptable, under any circumstances. I don't think it is pretentious to use this label.

    And unfortunately, there are "pro-war" people. My brother is an example. He thinks it's the best thing you can do for your economy... do not ask me to explain his twisted thinking.

  7. Miles, I respectfully disagree, I do think there are people who are pro-war unfortunately.  It's no more than an identifying statement.  I personally no longer tell anyone I am anti-war, though I did in my younger days.  Now I simply say, I support our soldiers and the job they do.  It's much closer to the truth for me.

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