
Why do some people cut themselves when they feel depress, lonely, hurt or whatever?

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Please don't say because they are EMO !

this is a serious question.

what do you think they feel? satisfaction? better? what? why?




  1. If you have this problem; why not ask your doctor.  I don't know why they do it, but the doctor deals with these situations and knows the answers.

    I'm sure you can find a lot of answers pertaining to this subject on line.  Just ask your question again but not on yahoo answers.  I'm sure there are many answers that you can find.  You could look it up on Google or look it up on

  2. They're sick. And they are not doctor. So trying to fix it themselves just seems get it worse. That's all. :P

  3. Some people cut themselves because

    they feel numb. Also because they don't know

    where their pain is coming from so the cut themselves

    as a way to feel something.  

  4. they put themselves in pain either to punish them because they feel guilty either to forget about something else that makes them feel pain(like psychological problems)

  5. they think its cool but its not

    same as smoking i guess

  6. to feel a diffrent pain, to punish themselves, addiction, because they think they should. the worst reason however is just so they can feel something.

  7. It gives them an outlet, it's easier to feel Physical pain then Emotional pain. It can also be a call for help. More women cut then men, this is because women turn there emotion's in on them selves's hence more women have eating disorder's and more cut. Men on the other hand project there emotion's out, hence men being more aggressive at time's. There's lot's of different reason's people cut, each is different and for very different reason's. You can't help two people the same, you have to change the way's you help people to suit each one differently.

  8. The people who cut themselves are quite often after the feeling of release. They feel better once they have done it and satisfied, some people believe they need to be punished also so would harm themselves.

    It is their way of controling their emotions sometimes.

  9. i think is sign of desperation...or because they feel they got something inside w/e it is, and since they can't bring it out...they think that by cutting themself they will focus more in pain n let it out.  

  10. from what i have learned, it is a sign of depression, obviously.

    they need to feel better, feel like someone is watching them, so they cut themselves to feel the pain and yet feel better.  

    no one feels their hurt, their joys, sadness, happiness.

    when they cut themselves, they feel satisfaction out of it because they accomplished something.. in their eyes. it's weird, i know...

    but this is what i've observed because i had a friend who did this many years ago and now she's okay, thankfully.

    But she cut herself with anything, picked at scabs over and over, cut over and over again... everytime she was mad, sad, depressed, out came the sharp objects. it made her feel better. they need help on how to cope with everyday obsticles in their life, good or bad.

  11. I've heard that it's because they want something to hurt worse then their pain which is totally crazy and it's sad to see when people do it.

  12. because they are EMO !

  13. One pain takes away from the other. If your arm hurts maybe your heart wont.

  14. Sometimes it feels like its the only thing you can control. It takes away inside pain and turns it into outside pain.

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