
Why do some people deny global warming as if it is a hoax?

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Why do some people deny global warming as if it is a hoax?




  1. Most people don't necessarily deny global warming....they deny that man has as much of a role to play in it as some would dictate we do. We see it as a reason to tax the h**l out of us to make changes that will do nothing to effect climate control.

    The very idea that puny mankind taking his own shopping bags to the grocery can even stave off or match the force of a good old fashioned volcano blast or a body of water like the Mississippi flooding out everyone along it's riverbed, or prevent the damage of a catagory 5 hurricaine, is completely laughable.

    Fear of global warming is nothing but a hoax to bilk us out of our hard earned dollars so politicians can use it to deny us our freedoms and innovation and squelch any common sense conservation and reduction...and all so those same politicians can continue living high on the hog while they keep the rest of us under their control.

    It's nothing more than that.

  2. Most people don't want to believe in the ineveitable,that global warming could be a risk to human civilazation.That why they try to call it a hoax.

  3. GW is real, man has contributed to it, but dude, GW doesn't rank anywhere near the top 10 threats to mankind. We have nuclear arsenals, GMO foods, chemtrails, deforestation, bees dying off...take your pick. So when i hear libs praising these politicians who will impliment neighborhood enviro watch offices to inspect your house and make sure you're "green enough", it makes me laugh, not really though because it's true

  4. Because man is an arrogant little life form whose span of recorded history is but a speck of sand on a beach.

    Ice only receded from North America just over 10,000 years ago.  A blink in history.  What was the reason for the multiple  ice cap advances and retreats over the last few million years?  Pollution is rampant and we should focus on cleaning up our act, but global warming is a "convenient truth" for some, eh?

  5. It is real just not man made. Maybe if people like Al gore went about this in a different way besides taxing people and trying to drastically change people's lives and not his own people would listen.

  6. they are smoking crack....that's is just plain undeniable!

  7. Global Warming is happening. However, the part that is a hoax is that mankind has anything to do with it.

    1.) Mars and Jupiter are warming too. No humans there.

    2.) CO2 is supposed to be the big culprit that we are increasing, but CO2 is only 0.038% of the atmoshphere on Earth, whereas it is 95% on Mars. Mars is far colder.

    3.) According to the latest measurements, Global Warming has stopped for the last 8 years, yet our emmissions have massively increased. Especially in the developing world (India, China, etc.).

    4.) Greenland.

    5.) The ice age ended 40,000 years ago. Just think how much warming it took to end an ice age. 0 SUVs 40,000 years ago.

    Global Warming? Probably. Man made? Not in your wildest dreams. It's laughable.

  8. Dunno, even Bush and McCain agree it's a problem, they just don't want to do anything about it.

  9. because it is a hoax...made up to make money for the "green" faction......If it were so true why is their hero a hypocrite?  He flys a PRIVATE jet....he has 3 SUV's where ever he goes....His electric bill at home is $16,000 a month....but YOU MUST CONSERVE.....

    PLEASE only 37% of the climatrologists believe this SPEW...the rest say it is a natural occuring event.....

  10. Because the research show it is not so. It is all about the money. The overal tempature rise has been 1 Degree in the last Ten years.

  11. Because they would have to change the way they live - drive smaller cars and use less energy.

  12. Because some people check facts, and don't just accept everything they hear as facts.

    I like to use this as an example. The makers of Oxycontin paid for studies that proved their drug was not even habit forming let alone addictive. Now of course the truth is out it is VERY ADDICTIVE and they have paid a fine and the drug is removed from the market.

    Who is the smarter person the one who said its a fact because they have had studies that proved it. Or the person who was doubtful because he knows that studies are almost always influenced by whoever is paying for the study and the outcome almost always confirms the payees view point.

    For another example every big trial has expert witness's some for the defense some for the prosecution and they always "have the facts" that prove their side of the case is the truth. But both can't be right, and all they are expert at is twisting the truth to fit their employers point of view.

    Here is a fact Global Warming is not a sure thing we aren't even sure if its real let alone what the cause is.

    We should do a lot of the things that will be helpful if there really is global warming because they are win win measures that will reduce pollution and create jobs. Be brave enough to have your own thoughts and quit trying to fit in and be on the most popular side if for no other reason its UN-AMERICAN. Write your own declaration of independence when it comes to thinking about everything and you will become an independent thinker with your own opinions and ideas. Your very own ideas could be very important to your local community, your state, or even your nation. We need you to think for yourself.

  13. For the same reason they denied that the earth revolves around the sun, and for the same reason they deny evolution:

    It has to do with mankind's sense of entitlement and ego.  The global warming issue, and environmentalism in general, imply that ultimately, man is not the master, but has to bow to the needs of the earth from which he sprang.  Some people cant handle that.

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