
Why do some people discriminate?

by Guest31919  |  earlier

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why do people discriminate? there's racism, g*y bashing, sexism, stereotyping, caste system, etc. and virtually all cultures have them. why?




  1. well, i used to know a person that was very racist, and the reason for him was that he was afraid of darker colored beings, his step father was black and he beat him..

  2. Discrimination is the discernment of qualities and recognition of the differences between things—that is, the prejudicial treatment of different groups of people based on certain characteristics. Discrimination on grounds such as race or religion, is generally illegal in most Western democracies, while discriminating between people on the grounds of merit is usually lawful. The latter is more commonly referred to as "differentiating." When unlawful discrimination takes place, it is often described as discrimination against a person or group of people.

    Social theories such as Egalitarianism claim that social equality should prevail. In some societies, including most developed countries, each individual's civil rights include the right to be free from government sponsored social discrimination.Taking into account the capacity to perceive pain and/or suffering that all animals have, 'abolitionist' or 'vegan' egalitarianism maintains that every individual, regardless their species, should have at least the basic right not to be an object.In contrast, conservative writer and law professor Matthias Storme has claimed that the freedom of discrimination in human societies is a fundamental human right, or more precisely, the basis of all fundamental freedoms and therefore the most fundamental freedom. Author Hans-Hermann Hoppe, in an essay about his book Democracy: The God That Failed, asserts that a natural social order is characterized by increased discrimination.

    The basis of all discrimination is a human's fears and a phobias from different ,unusual,new and unknown

  3. I think reason why people discriminate is because they have to think that they are better than others to boost their morale.

    Mopst who do, are insecure and have a need to compare themselves with others lesser than them, they have this so-called standards to show to everybody that they do not associate to those whom they consider to be below them.

    Pathetic actually, that anyone would think such a way!

  4. people discriminate out of fear for what they do not understand.

    If you know where someone is coming from, then you can make a better decision (for yourself) about why they do the things that they do. That's what tolerance is all about. People who discriminate are generally intolerant of others. And usually when people discriminate or hold on to stereotypes, they surround themselves with like minded people, so that their beliefs are reinforced. It's a vicious cycle. That is why people need to educate themselves, and be leaders not followers.

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