
Why do some people feel its necessary to throw insults at over weight people?

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We all know insulting someone does not motivate the individual to try. Also, don't you think overweight people would actually be the ones to insult those they are jealous of? However I notice fit/skinny people tend to insult, and belittle those who are less blessed.

So why would someone who feels good about themselves and their appearance want to make others feel like they're less than a human being?




  1. Because there bored of there own stupid life and need to grow up you should take any notice i mean my cousins in his 30's and hes like 20 st

  2. I think it's fear, because deep down they know it could happen to them.

    Being overweight is something we cannot always control.

  3. Cause they might feel intimidated by people who are overweight. Such people are threatened by their presence and so it makes them feel better to release their anger or whatever it might be. No matter's not nice to do

  4. why's it always ugly deformed UGLY repulsive people that shout abuse at anyone ....OMG they look like complete utter twats ...socommon anyway

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