
Why do some people feel that it's OK to drive the speed limit in the fast lane?

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Here's the question: If you're one of these people, why do you feel it's OK to make everyone behind you drive 65? Are you a patriotic American who's stopping the law from being broken by getting in the way? Are you some religious nut that's making sure people can read your Jesus bumper stickers and thus be saved? Here's the deal people who go the speed limit in the left lane, you're making driving more dangerous. There are people who will now decide to pass you on the right. Also, I might be smart enough not to get two feet away from your back bumper, but the guy behind me in a Suburban isn't that thoughtful. The cops will NOT pull you over for going 5 (or even 10!) over, unless you're a minority. Even then they will let you get away with it 99 times out of 100. People who pass a guy going 65 in the right lane by going 66 should answer this question too. Why do you feel it's OK to do this?




  1. You asked the wrong question. Your question should have been directed at those drivers who decide to drive at 20-30 mph in the left lane and refuse to move over to the slow right lane.As frustrating as it may be for you who wishes to drive at a higher speed  than the posted legal limit(and I must plead guilty to doing that on occasions), those people are driving at the higher speed on the correct lane. As a minority, I have to correct you that we do not have to be speeding to be pulled over by the police(did you ever hear  the phrase--driving while Black--), and hardly get a break. However, I do agree with the general direction of your complaint just  not the actual question you did ask. Good job.

  2. ok first of all in your ranting there

    you say that people running the speed limit in the left lane are making driving more dangerous!

    are you kidding me!

    I think that the people flying on the highways are making driving more dangerous!

    Maby they ae saving your *** from getting a ticket or getting up the road and hitting and killing someone

    The speed limit is there for a reason

    I only wish there were more cops on the road to take jerk offs off the road!

    I drive 7 and a half hours every week (from nc to ohio)

    Yea i complain about the speed limit but not about the people doing the speed limit

    Why not complain about people on their cell phone not haveing any reguard about the people surrounding them

  3. They do it because they don't realize the law states, "slower traffic, keep right". It doesn't say: "unless you're going the speed limit"

  4. "Are you a patriotic American who's stopping the law from being broken by getting in the way? Are you some religious nut that's making sure people can read your Jesus bumper stickers and thus be saved?"

    Oh, it's so hard for you.......Just pass them! I hate it when they do that, but all this question does is make you sound crazy.

  5. Like most people, they have forgotten most of the rules in the drivers handbook. Those rules also state that on a 2 lane road if you are impeding the flow of traffic you MUST pull over to the shoulder and allow traffic to pass. I do not bearing down an another vehicle at 70 mph in the left lane but will make every attempt to pass safely on the right without interfering with the people in the extreme right lane. I have had several chev / ford  and import bumper ornaments from drivers who thought that it was their civic duty to slow me down by pulling in front of me from the left lane. Typical example is 53 ' tractor and trailer fully loaded doing 70 mph in the middle lane, nobody in the left lane except a moron in a honda doing 60. I am not speeding to much but this person after watching me for 10 mins decides to pull infront of me as I get closer to passing him. As I go to pass on the left , he decides to block me, Knowing I also have another rig coming up behind me with a load on who do you think I am looking out for. Usually the car driver finds out how good his acceleration is as I will only slow down enough not to get hit but not enough to run up the back of the car. The speed limit is for cars in the right lane, the left lane is for passing ONLY not driving to Granma`s. If you can`t drive the limit , GET OFF THE ROAD! I don`t condone speeding and will block those that try and pass me when I`m doing 70 and they are closing in on me too fast. If I see lights chasing that vehicle I will block them as well .

  6. I think, in my personal opinion that is not a matter of speed. I recommend to you to take your time to every place you have to go. That way you will less stress behind the steering wheel and even your mood will change. Just imagine arrive at your desire place 10 minutes before the established hour. That will give you time even to turn on the radio and relax while you wait and even you can talk with God giving to him thanks for every bless that you surely have. If you do that, next time you will not have intention to take the faster line…

  7. Kirk, are you finished ranting? Good. Read on. When you choose to drive a vehicle on public roads, you are choosing to operate in an environment that is at best unpredictable and often hostile. It is full of peril, and only the smart survive without damage or injury, or becoming like the savages you describe. You can choose to get angry with everyone who you believe did wrong, or you can move through the environment in Zen fashion. When you arrive at your destination, you can choose to make everyone you encounter fight with the people you fought with by bringing them in with you, as you are doing here, or you can define yourself by your ability to rise above the unpredictability and hostility and be part of the solution rather than the problem. What is your choice, Kirk?

  8. to each his own..... cannot control the other person. just have to deal with it.

  9. What part of SPEED LIMIT do you not understand?

  10. there seems to be an epidemic of moronic things happening more and more each day!

    I know I travel alot and it irratites the h**l out of me when peed limit is 70 here, and i come up on cars doing 65 and they are next to each other and stay that way forever! Here in Indiana it states to do not drive the left lane unless you are passing. Morons will get in that lane and do the same speed limit as the guy in the right, and they are both doing 5 miles below the speed limit.

  11. some of us obey the posted speed limit as you with it or pass on the right

  12. Wow your flying off the handle here! However, I do feel if you are going to drive slower than traffic, you should obey the signs and keep right Passing on the right-I see people do it if the person in the left is driving slow as you mentioned. People who drive excessive speeds are dangerous period. They have less time to stop when the approach a slower driver. Be safe & drive careful. I am more worried about people who get on the highway from the ramp doing only 25mph!

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