
Why do some people gamble?

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Why do some people gamble?




  1. to hit the jack pot but the games are fixed people do not know that.

  2. try win money

  3. Because we are least that's my conclusion, I got addicted, I've spent my last dollar on it so many times, and got myself in financial trouble.So I have to be sick, mentally, because I'm actually not stupid, at least not usually, but I am stupid when I drive to a casino. ( can you tell, I recently, very recently lost more money)!!!!

  4. To give them hope!

  5. so i take you have never played the lottery ? yeah right

  6. it can be fun

    it may have become an obsession

    they can be very good at it, and can make a lot of money

  7. I bet £5 that you will never find out!

  8. We all gamble. It seems that hom sap is a risk-taking species (esp males). This accounts for dangerous/foolhardy activities in particular adolescent males. You do get an adrenalin rush with risk taking behaviour. With certain forms of gambling there is immediate feedback eg slot machines or  horse racing. The adverse consequences are delayed..the debt as it were is in 'the post'. Addictive gamblers postpone long term goals/consequences for the short term 'buzz'.

  9. the casino i go to u get free sandwiches and bisects and tea and coffee and soft drinks ,u can get it as many times u want and its fun

  10. It's a rush.  Can't explain it, not everyone gets it, but it's very appealing to certain personalities.  Also appeals to the human nature being greedy.  Getting something for nothing appeals to people.  Most people who gamble on a regular basis are mildly addicted.  They may have self control and play within reason.  But they crave the play.

  11. If you ask them, gamblers always talk about the big win they had last year. They never mention the hundreds of bets they lose. Gambling is addictive, it really, really, is. Don't try it. As the old joke has it, you never see a bookie on a bike.

  12. thrills

  13. it feels good when you win.. then that feeling becomes addictive..

  14. Guess it is fun for them!!!! .......or perhaps a sickness!!!hehe

    I think for me to gamble very much...I would have to have alot of money! ( which I don't)

    So I have played the nickel slots..and penny slots 3 or 4 times in my life! That is about it!

    Maybe if I won big or something I would care...but I doubt it!

    I would rather see something for my money...not just let it go!

    It is fun to watch people for a little while..then it gets boring! lol

  15. coz it's fun? sarap manalo sarap din matalo

  16. all depends some people do it for the feeling others do it because of boredom it depends on the person really some just do it because they want money

  17. adddddictionnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

  18. because it makes everything more interesting.  i used to not like basketball until money was riding on the game.  it gives you something to cheer for.  obviously i would never get too deep and make it a financial situation.  we started out with $50 in our sport account and everytime we get our account up to $500, we cash $400 of it out and apply it to my daughters college fund.

  19. for the thrill if they win loads of money but some people don't have the luck and end up having no money at all

  20. Fun... some people enjoy it!

    as long as you gamble what you c an afford you will be fine ! great for socialising !

  21. to win money

  22. they get an adrenalin rush.that's very,very addictive!

  23. Once people win something, gambling gets addictive (because they want to win again and again). I've never and will never gamble.

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