
Why do some people get angry when the person they broke up with moves on especially after they've moved on?

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Why do they get mad when the person they treat like garbage who they claim to love and care about moves on and wants nothing to do with them anymore?




  1. Because there's always a little love still there.

    The reason 2 people get together is because something attracts them, and that doesn't disappear completely.

    So that little part of you that remembers the good times pulls a little at you when you see them w/ another.

  2. Because, they are emotionally immature idiots, who do not know how to handle a real relationship, and once they realize the other person now knows better, they have no leg to stand on.  

  3. its ok babe. she's regretting her decision. you're fine w/out her right??

  4. Because they then realize what they had and lost and are now pissy because they can't get it back. So when that person has moved on, they are pissy because they are still not over it.

  5. Because to them its just a game

  6. Dude, what are you talking about?

  7. Because they're jealous that you may actually find someone you like or even love. Their intention all along was probably to hurt you and see you come back to them, and so when you move on, they feel like they haven't hurt you enough. They know you're the stronger person and that they're weak because the only way they can feel good is to put others down.

  8. One word: Jealousy

  9. Regret and moving on was only for rebound

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