
Why do some people get mad I made a comment i THINK WHITE GUYS ARE COOL?

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IN MY BOOK I THINK SOME PEOPLE ARE PRETTY COOL the thing i seen some people do are pretty awesome I would be to scared to do this I made a comment I said some white guys are pretty cool this young man jump from a airplane and he was on a bike it has nothing to do with what coloue you are it was a comment what worng with giving a person are persons a comment how cool awesome there are if you just awesome you are just awesome can you say something nice with out peoples getting mad and i still say this young white teen was pretty cool thats the way i see it




  1. I think it made people mad because you chose to point out that the bloke was white.  You should have just said "The guy who jumped out of the plane on the bike was cool", or something to that effect.

  2. People 'of color' anymore can have groups such as 'the Black Man Inititive' , which is on one of our college campuses but make a statement with the word 'White' that may give some credit to a person & all h**l breaks lose!  Say what you want to say & then chose your friends with the same beliefs as you have.

  3. To each their own....

  4. why did you have to mention his skin colour?  Why didn't you say this young shoe size 8 teen is pretty cool?  Cos its wierd.


  6. i guess the problem is that you identified his color, which  you could have just left off and said, "look how cool this guy is".   Because your comment had nothing to do with what he looked like at all, so no need to include it.

  7. you wrote a book? i can't even understand what you typed for your question!

  8. White guys are pretty cool. If someone is made its cause theyre jealous. =D

  9. ???

  10. huh?

  11. its because you only said that whites were cool. On top of being racist you were sexist  by saying 'guys'

    so pretty much you only think highly of white men

  12. i dont see it as a bad thing and im white well only half but still i dont see what the big deal is

  13. Say WHAT!!!! cool is what you think not white people i mean is this guy is white his cool then forget what other said good comment could give this person good attitude u got to speak up whats wrong with that

  14. i think she means that in her book like her world, but i don't get the question either.

  15. Yeah okay go with whites. Let us blacks, browns, asians, and mexicans do your dirty work.

    Thats sorta why people would think.

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