
Why do some people get off on being mean??

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Why do some people get off on being mean??




  1. Perhaps it's all they know, or maybe think being nice is pointless to

    begin with. look how people treat each other nowadays especially on

    the internet, as though we now have a well earned degree or license

    to now be our true selves without  answering for it, kind of makes one

    wonder if what is said about our species isn't so far fetched, that given

    the opportunity, we would choose to revert back to our primordial ways

    of predation . . .

    Think of it, being nice to someone has, and always will, require some

    sort of condition of stereotyping though we don't admit it, yet how easy

    being mean comes to us, for the slightest infraction on us by another,

    simply because they don't live up to our contrived standards of what

    pleases us . . .


    looks of a person . . .

    age of a person . . .

    size of a person . . .

    augment these stereotypical infractions along with the obvious and

    universal prejudices, and there you have it, a society that finds being

    mean to one with little or no provocation, about as easy as going to

    the bathroom . . .

    " Why do some people get off on being mean?? " . . .

    Because experience has taught them to expect

    the unexpected, it's called beating one,  to the

    punch . . .

  2. It is a control/power issue. You may have it better in a particular area - looks, loving family, work ability, intelligence which that person is jealous of or finds intimidating. They may either try to minimize or criticize you in that area to make their lack in that area seem inconsequential, or they may point out areas where you are weaker to make their strengths seem more valuable.  

  3. because people do it to them...just think about it...

  4. Simply because they have low self esteem themselves and making tricks off of others makes them feel like they are somehow signifigant the comment "Dude, that's not even funny, in any way" and then walking away always does the oppostite.

  5. A lot of people have low self esteem and when they put someone else down and make them feel bad, they feel better because it's like they actually matter compared to the person they put down.  People who are usually mean online often times come on the internet because they can't say what they say to other people because a lot of them are shy or they afraid of the reprecussion that they can get if you physically talking to someone (I'm not talking about getting beat up).  They insult people only online because they know they can't in real person.

  6. Insecurity

  7. Usually mean people are people who indeed have low self esteem, have been picked on themselves, are insecure, and don't get a lot of attention at home.

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