
Why do some people get straight As but others, like me, can't?

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I get jealous, disappointed and depressed about the fact that other people got straight As in GCSE and A-level but I didn't do!




  1. lol i have the same problem sometimes, it just depends how you apply yourself.  And, (in my opinion) sometimes it's how your raised.  If your parents care enough to help you then you have good grades.  I would have straight A's this year but I just forgot to turn in a few worksheets.

    I went to some kind of summer school thing and it really helped me, it wasn't because I was dumb or anything, they were college classes, try challenging yourself more, maybe that would work.

  2. You know...Bret Favre is an awesome quarter back...not because he is the smartest or the most gifted, but because he is consistent and works hard.  Keep that in mind as you go through life.  

  3. Don't get steamed if you study and do your best. Some subjects come easier to some people than others. The important thing is to do your best and set a goal for yourself in life.  

  4. It's all in your genes

  5. Aw, don't dig yourself a hole of depression. Different people have different way of studying. Or they are just naturally gifted. You should try a different method of studying. A good diet helps too. Don't get discourage. This will only make you try harder and achieve your goals. Good Luck :)

  6. At my school most grades were politically motivated, if you or your parents kissed up (or more!) to the teacher, you got an 'A' regardless of work and if you didn't you got a 'B' no matter how good your work was.

  7. It's alright. Remember, there are great businessmen, entrepreneurs, and world leaders out there with little qualifications. Just because others do well doesn't necessarily mean they'll succeed in life.

  8. study more, find a tutor, learn tricks to memorize stuff, like turning your work into music/song. lol.

    Dont be depressed/jealous, you try your best, thats all you can do, and congratulate yourself when you do well!!!

    It's like when a watch a movie today, i know whats going on, i can follow it, but tomorrow if i watch it again, i'll be like, "wow, i don't remember seeing this part!". Its all about retaining info in your brain and memorizing it, and some ppl are just natural at retaining info longer. i think it can be sometimes found in the genes.

  9. mee too! I have like, A perfect sister.

    She just got her a level results, Straight A's!

    Im getting my gcse results on thursday. Im sooo scared! I know i didnt do goood!

    I get depressed too! I saw her A's and I was like, congrats, and i was like, shoot!

    I think its just, we wanna make people proud and we wanna be proud, but when other people get it, and you see how proud people are of them, we wanna be them. And we cant get those grades, cause people who do have no life, and we do?

    I got a C in English Language. =(

  10. Some people are just more academic than others. I'm sure some of those people are rubbish at things like socialising, art, drama etc! You can't be good at everything, and the GCSE's don't accurately test all areas of skill!

  11. Sometimes you need to be smart and sometimes it only helps. Other times a teacher will just be obsurdly ignorant and give what may look like random grades. Overall though, working/studying for the longest period of time wins. I'm smart so I don't even need to study to get A's, this is just an example of the difference in workload based on inhereted traits. I suppose its not really fair but what else are stupid people gonna do?

  12. People get A's because they put in the time to study, and train their minds to retain information. Some people are just born with the ability. You either need to study harder, and if that doesn't work then you might need to seek help to figure out who you are unable to get those high grades.

  13. Then you will have to work hard. Some people I know doesn't sleep to make their project or homework perfect

  14. That's okay i tried three times before i clanged the bell . if at first you do not succeed try try again . If you want it enough you will get it

  15. well maybe if you schedule your time well

    and study a little bit harder than others

    you might be in their level or higher..Don't get jealousy and dissappointed they might spend more time studying and sacrifices which no one saw...

    So you work hard too

  16. to get straight A's at a level or gcse exams, you have to literally work your *** off!! through out the year... you have to listen in class and take in what your teacher says, and revise a stuiped amount before exams. sometimes (particually at gcse's) its pushy parents, but schools/teachers/liking for subject etc. will differ and show in your grades. General knowledge about the world, for example just reading the paper in the morning will affect your grades in particular subjects such as geography and general studies, as you learn case studies or example of floods etc. Different people take in different information aswell. it depends on what your find interesting... and some people happen to find physics or maths interesting so they remember that better!! people who get A's work all the time, no matter what they say. everyone will come out of an exam saying ''oh it didnt go well... i should have revised more'' even the A standard people! good genes can also help, or just support from your family. put the work in and you'll get results. revision techniques can also affect alot.  

  17. the thing about study is every one can do there best!!

    maybe they have found there own study technique...

    like some people use col our coding or raping out a poem, using bullet points then expanding after learning them!!

    you just need to be live in yourself and then u may even pass them out!!

    hope i helped:D:D

  18. Maybe your methods of learning aren't right for you....  Try a different method.

  19. Cheer up.  The world needs ditch diggers too.

  20. There are alot of factors that go into getting good grades. It's not all about smarts. Study habits, test taking skills, attention span and other factors are play a part. If you're truly puting in the work to get the good grades, Don't beat your self up over it. While grades are important, they are not the end of the world. You'll be okay.

  21. They're naturally gifted.

  22. Some people are naturally talented with memorization, and thought correlation. There are courses and programs online you can take to improve your study / focusing efficiency that might aide you in your exam status.

    Best of luck, Cheers

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