
Why do some people hate others just because they are successful?

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It seems as though especially this political season that people who are ambitious and desire more out of life are hated by those who did little to prepare for adulthood and responsibility.

Now that they are in adulthood they blame others for their failures. If they got pregnant in high school, didn't study when they were in school, failed to seek career training of any sort, dropped out of high school, destroyed their minds and bodies with drugs or alcoholism, engaged in deviant and destructive sexual patterns or any other self-destructive behaviors they say it’s the fault of someone else. Why are we expected as those who did prepare and continue to work to improve our lives required to subsidize the self-made poor and bring them to our standard of living?




  1. I'll have to defer this to the Democrats.

  2. Since they don't feel that they have "What it takes" to be successful, they assume those who do, had to have done it disreputably. This makes them feel much better about their failures.

    And liberals fear failure so much that, as a group, they concoct theories about the "wicked rich". And they salivate at the thought of redistributing that wealth so that they don't have to feel like the losers they really are.

  3. MSL,

    You have a good premise.

    I work with a couple people who dropped out of school and did drugs. they are now successful counselors based upon the decisions they made to change their lives, and the actions they took to make success happen.

    Factually, it's about personal responsibility.

    As one answerer above stated, some people don't get breaks. They have family illness, personal tragedy, etc. Certainly there is an element of 'luck' or getting breaks for some people.

    There are two further things to consider here:

    1. Redistribution of wealth is a fairy tell at best. Countries that have tried it (Soviet Union, Cuba, Viet Nam, etc.), spiraled downhill. Most have gone back to a free market economy.

    2. Redistribution of wealth assumes that there will always be making money - only to have it taken away and given to others. What happens when those making it rebel against it, thus the income dries up?


  4. Success, in my world, is not measured by money alone. It is how you live your life. I will always be work in progress...even if I don't have a lot of money, I'm rich because I have no debt.

  5. Personal success means you WORKED for it. It doesn't mean you married it, or inherited it. Big difference.

  6. Liberal jealousy my friend.  People think that McCain should be made fun of for having 7 homes, but I say, good for you sir.

  7. Because of your arrogant first statement:

    "People who are ambitious and desire more out of life are hated by those who did little to prepare for adulthood and responsibility."

    Many people are ambitious and have prepared for adulthood and responsibilities.  Then after 20 years, their job gets taken away for no reason or a family member gets sick.  The only people who are successful are the lucky ones.  They don't hate your success, just your arrogance.

  8. Liberalism revolves around the premise of something for nothing.

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