
Why do some people hate the WTO and IMF?

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Why don't some people like the international monetary fund and the world trade organization?




  1. they are working on behalf of America and not to the expectations of the people of world.

  2. WTO and IMF are being used by the superpowers to exploit the poor countries by giving them aid in exchange for the use of their natural resources.

  3. The best thing too do is just keep giving them millions, which they waste, for years and years That way we can keep telling each other how good and kind we are

  4. they s***w countries over by lending them money in return for liberalizing their economies even though their economies are not ready for that and the poor get extreamly screwed over and it might be ther greater good and help them in the future but it sux for the people in the present.

  5. I agree with Fraginal. Read John Perkins book Confessions of an economic hitman,, or if you dont have time for that just look up on google John Perkins

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