
Why do some people hate white ppl, and think white ppl are evil!?

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I'm white myself, but i've just been like searching the internet n stuff, n there are a lot of things saying that a lot of ppl hate white ppl, callin us evil and cruel, and calling us white trash n stuff!

I read somin i forgot where it was now, but it was reali long sayin about how much this person hated white people, how she thought we didn't deserve to live n all of us are white trash, it said some reali nasty stuff in that.

And please don't say its because of Black Slavery, becuase i no all about that, and that was ages ago, n it wasn't us it was our ancestors, not us!

Oh n i don't want u to think i'm a racists to blacks or any other race coz i'm far from it, but i'm onli 15, n like reading stuff like that about how ppl think white ppl are evil, n all white girls are trash n much worse it wasn't nice to read!

Sorry if this question is kinda long n i have wrote a lot of stuff, its just i want to no your opinions on white ppl, n white n black racism, speak your mind on how u think, i won't get hurt by it just speak ur mind coz i reali wanna no what u think??

Thank you





  1. For some reason (and I'll probably get h**l for saying this), its okay to be racist towards white people. But if you say something against another race people are screaming racist and making a huge deal out of it. I think we're still paying for things our ancestors did, like you said.  

  2. Hi. Im half white and black so i say its because no offence sometimes white people really can be b*tc* not saying all white people r but some r. and you notice how in movies its always the white girls that r the snobs? But to even it out i no white plp talk trash about blacks. and sometimes white plp think there better than everyone~ well thtz my opininon and im sorry if offened any1

  3. I used to think white people were evil until I started noticing that people from all races (which doesn't exist) are corrupt and evil.

  4. many in the world thinks white people, or "westerners" are evil because

    1) Westerners conquered this planet and exploited people of colour for over 500 years

    2) Its a result of the actions of many white people that the world is so f*cked up like it is. Most violence going on today is a result of European Colonialism, or American Imperialsim. India & Pakistan hate each other because the English placed them in one country and forced them to cohabitate, and when they became independednt they couldnt agree on borders, etc. Isreal & Palistine are in conflict because the Americans artifitially created the isrealli state out of land that was ALREADY BEING OCCUPIED BY THE PALESTINIANS! never mind the Holocaust, slavery, genocides, etc, the list just goes on

    3) Because of the first two reasons, the majority of the wealthy people in this world are white. the majority of the poor in this world are not.

    Some whites claim "reverse racism" and say things like "why should we suffer for our ancestors crimes?" but if youre gonna follow that train of thought, then why should you BENEFIT from your ancestors crimes either? 200 million white americans are currently living on land that rightfully belongs to native americans. should they be punished for that? no, because they werent alive then. But at the same time they should be aware of the history of relations between the races and understand why things are the way they are, even if that involves some well-deserved criticism of the way the world is set up.

    i dont hate white people, but you guys have an astonishingly poor track record

  5. I agree with you on that question because people with a different race from us white people get told by people in there family who have had trouble with white tend to hate white but its the same with us if a family member has had trouble with black people (not being racist cause my cousin is black and im white ) the other family members will hate black people but its the same in every country but its how your parents and your parents ,parents are raised and it tends to go on in the tradition but i dont have any think against black,mixed rac,asian people cause theres no point in hating someone if you dont even know them so dont worrie about what you hear its the persons desicon in what they want to believe.    

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