
Why do some people have a problem with Vegetarians and Vegans?

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I myself am a meat eater but i don't understand why some people have issues with people who don't want to eat meat & rather eat vegetables. If that's what they want to do then that's their business. Who am i to tell them how to eat? People should find more important things to be angry about. Being angry over someone being a Vegetarian is so petty.




  1. Thanks for not joining in the other meat-eaters' hostility, Scooter. The world could use more people like you.

    Anyway, I mostly keep my vegan lifestyle to myself because I see other vegans get picked on by the meat-eaters.

    I think meat-eaters bully vegans becasue they feel like the vegans are judging them all the time. Or maybe it's because some of them  feel guilty, but hate feeling guilty, so they lash out on us. That's how I felt back when I ate meat.

    I leave people alone at the dining table. I only lash out when someone provokes me, but other than that, you can sit at a table in front of me and eat peacefully.

    Hope that helped, sweetie.

  2. Some people are hostile towards anything they don't understand.  It's a fear reaction and it's the basis behind many different kinds of discrimination.

    Others have had the unfortunate experience of knowing only veg*ns who are particularly forceful about their beliefs.  I will happily talk to people about my veg*nism if they ask; I don't discuss it over a meal and I don't offer my unsolicited opinion about what someone else chooses to eat.  Not every veg*n is diplomatic, though, and if the only one you've ever met is the one screaming, "Meat is murder!" while you're eating, it's not going to make a very good impression of the movement.

    A few select others could probably care less in truth, but have found that coming here and insulting veg*ns is an enjoyable hobby.  If it wasn't here and it wasn't veg*nism, they'd be trolling somewhere else.

  3. I am a meat eater, but I enjoy vegan and vegetarian dishes. I like to keep my options open. I do, however have a problem with two types of vegetarians.

    1. I hate vegetarians that try to force their opinions down my throat. Espically the way radical ones that call me a murder for eating a piece of tuna.

    2. I hate the "potato chip" vegetarians. The ones that won't eat meat, but hate veggies, so they call themselves vegitarians because they only eat potato chips, ice cream, and onion rings.

  4. I completely agree with you. It's their decision to make!

  5. You are so right, they just don't get it!

    They need to make the connection b4 they judge.

  6. Que Sera Sera...

    I eat meat and my I know those who don't. They don't taste any different.....



    It doesn't bother me. Someone will always find somthing to fight about. No matter what.

  7. I can't say I've ever been "angry" that my sister in law, for example, is a vegetarian, but sometimes it's a mild mix of disappointment (that she won't eat the thing I cooked which I am most proud of), bafflement (that you'd exclude such a wonderful array of options from your diet), and annoyance (that I have to go out of my way to prepare something especially for her).

    I'm not saying these emotions are rational. (Emotions, by definition, are not rational.) I actually have learned to enjoy cooking with her and for her. But there's your answer.

    I know the asker here is a meat eater, but for vegetarians reading this who have the same question, consider your own reaction to fructarianism. A fructarian is someone who only eats fruit (nuts, tomatoes, avacados, bell peppers, etc) because eating the leaves, stalks, and roots of a plant brings harm to it. If you, as a vegetarian, find this behaviour baffling or absurd, that's what it's like for some meat eaters who know you.

  8. I was a bit hesitant to answer this as it seems everyone with a decent answer is being attacked with thumbs down!

    I have no problem with anyone elses dietary choices, as long as they don't have a problem with my own. And as long as they are healthy.

    Having been raised as a meat-eater, I struggled to become vegetarian as it wasn't supported by my family at all, and I found it even harder to become a vegan, but due to a condition I have, I was forced to eat meat again.

    It is horrible how some people try to force their own opinions upon others who clearly see things differently.

    Good question though!

  9. I love you Scooter :)

  10. They taste like chicken, I don't like to eat vegans.


  11. I do not have any problem with them as long as they leave my dietary choices alone.

    Edit 3 thumbs down??   What was I supposed to say.  That I love them all or I hate them all.

  12. I agree. Some people need to lay off, since it's none of their business. I eat meat, but I can see a lot of advantages to being a vegetarian and I would never insult one or try to tell them they're wrong. I don't see why people have to try and tell others what to eat. I don't like it when meat eaters are disrespectful to vegetarians/vegans or when vegetarians/vegans are rude to meat eaters. Let people eat what they want! :]

  13. It is true that when vegetarians and vegans finally decide to switch from being omnivore to veg -- it's like they've seen the light....and they want to spread that news everywhere. It's just like somebody who is newly Christian, or newly in any get that feeling that you've finally "figured it out", and the automatic response for many people is to spread the that other people will "figure it out", if you will.

    Now - that annoys alot of people. People like to stay in their own ways, and they truthfully believe that what they believe in is the right way. Most people have conviction in what they do. So when somebody tries to educate you, alot of people get offended, and don't want to hear it. Some people are truly just ignorant, and don't believe in a better way... and often get offended.

    I'm not saying that this is the way for EVERYBODY. Alot of vegetarians/vegans don't spout off their beliefs to the world, and just live the way they live... but to answer your question, I think that may be way meat-eaters don't like vegetarians & vegans.

    I'm personally on my way to fully becoming vegetarian, I realize that my path is by taking baby steps, and eliminating 1 by meat product there, one dairy product another day...until I am completely vegetarian, and one day vegan. I just know I wouldn't be as successful if I did it all in one day...I'd feel very deprived from my meat & meat products, and I want to do this the right way.

    Just my food for thought...

  14. Great question Scooter. People who discriminate against all vegans and vegetarians, or meat eaters are narrow minded.

    I agree with you. You can eat what you like. As long as you're healthy, that's all that matters.

    Don't ever change Scooter!!

  15. I have no problem with those who choose to be vegans and vegetarians. As long as they don't hurt me and insult me, why should I fire back?

    I have to admit as soon as I found out that a lobster gets boiled alive, I decided I can't eat a lobster anymore because I don't want something alive while it's being cooked.

    But at the same time, I would not try and stop someone from eating a lobster if they want to eat it. It's their business and their decision, not mine.

    I can see the benefits of not being a meat eater, even though I sometimes eat meat myself. I would never be prejudice towards the vegans and vegetarians because I can see their vewpoint on not wanting to eat meat. But I also think that if or not to eat meat is worth going to war over either.

    Tell you the truth, I'm not crazy about cats, dogs, and mice getting eaten because I am accustomed to them being pets. But I would never be prejudiced over the Asians and boycott their presence. I love the Asians as much as the non-Asians. And I do love Chinese and little bit of Thai food.

    Peace be with all the meat eaters and non-meat eaters! ((((BIG HUGS & MUCH LOVE)))) to all of you equally!

  16. I totally agree with you scooter :)

    If people would look around and see the societal, environmental and humanitarian atrocities being committed everyday all around the world they wouldn't be so hung up on what others do or don't eat. I can't understand why people don't just back off, I mean even family and loved ones feel free to judge and criticize... why? The world is full of more important things to worry about than other peoples moral or dietary choices. I really wish there were more open and understanding people like you scooter, thanks for being so open minded. You a great guy :)

  17. Vegetarians and vegans have no bearing on my day to day life and I don't care what they eat but they (many) seem to care about the fact that I eat meat and dairy products. I don't like to be called immoral and I don't like someone telling me my diet isn't healthy (it is). Carry on eating what you like and I'll eat what I like...pretty simple.

  18. The same reason that people dislike others due to race, religion or sexual preference - ignorance.

    Some people are sick of preachy in your face @ssholes with absolutely no tact so that doesn't help either.

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