
Why do some people have an open marriage?

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[ Open marriage: marriage in which both partners are allowed to have extra-marital relations]

Isn't it creepy to share your spouse with somebody else?!?!




  1. Marriage is a contract drawn up between 2 people. It does not have general rules, but rules set by the 2 people. If both people in the marriage have come to an arrangement that includes being open and it works, than  what's creepy about that? Not all rules apply to all marriages and not all rules are agreed to by both parties. As to why people have open marriages, variety is the spice of life...

  2. I wouldn't let my spouse go out and do that, it is disrespectful and wrong.

  3. because they are sick in the head

  4. Yes I think it is but people are different, and what works for me might not work for somebody else.  I would say people have an open marriage so they can avoid divorcing over cheating or because they have found it impossible to stay true to one person.

  5. I have no idea, it would be my worst nightmare.

  6. I know a guy who does. (They aren't married....but I am sure it's sort of the same.) And I think the mentality is that you still get to live with having your high s*x drive or other attractions and so you don't need to cheat.

    My whole thing is, why get married? Just stay single and sleep around....

  7. Some people are comfortable with that arrangement. I think in order for it to work, both parties can't get jealous easily and have rules to their "open" marriage. Me personally, I think having an open marriage is an oxymoron but to each its long as you leave me and my husband alone :)

  8. yeah that's true its very creepy, i don't know about those people who like that its like sharing your toothbrush to other people

  9. Marriage is meant for monogamous people who love each other and are commited. Open marriage is an oxymoron, if you want to be with other people get divorced be single and mess around with anyone you want. How can you love someone and openly have s*x with other people let alone be okay with your spouse having s*x with other people. It just doesn't make any sense. Some people shouldnt get married. It so sad that some g*y couples who are committed to each other for years still cannot be legally married in some states but straight couples can take a vow break it and sleep with other people. What a world we live in.

  10. Well as an open relationship. Been their and done all most everything. The lady I'm dating now we are trying to start an open relationship. But with agreeable to each other. It has been hard. Because we are looking for more that s*x with two other people.We are looking for two lovers as we are. Been to the swing clubs and enjoyed them. We like to watch and be watch. We have seen some great love making.  The  swing club that we have been to is nothing like most think. Good people that go there are having adult fun. Like a night club your front room and the bedrooms. It takes  

  11. Because everyone is different, I don't know why everyone on here believes they are the ultimate authority on what defines a marriage and what makes a marriage successful.  

  12. Some couples find the ability to be with other people sexually while being emotionally and sexually fulfilled by their partner enjoyable.

    It is not something I myself would do; but It is actually more common than most people think

  13. Some people believe long-term monogamy is unrealistic and having an open marriage is a better alternative to cheating.  They would rather keep it out in the open, believing their relationship secure enough to handle s*x with outsiders, than lie to each other and cheat anyway. Other relationships undergo changes so significant that an open marriage is the way to keep it going; for example, if one partner no longer wants to or can have s*x, or if both partners no longer want to have s*x with each other, but they don't feel divorce is necessary or an option.

  14. I agree. Don't know what is wrong with people today.

  15. I think so but i know of some people who do it! I do not know how long the relationship will last though.

  16. Yes! I mean, as well as the risk of STDs, what if you both end up spending more time with the extra marital relations instead of the spouses! I want marriage to be marriage, pure and simple. x x x

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