Most of the people I work with do not give a flying **** about soldiers dieing for their country. It happened a few nights ago, were were all cleaning up and getting ready to go home. I talked to them about my future, and what I was gonna do about it. I said, "well the army has always interested me since I was a kid, and I really like the idea of doing something fora greater good. Then A guy I know who has been working at my work for a really long time now....I think 20 years? Well he spat all over my dream, and told me that I was not the type to become a soldier. But besides that, I asked him if he had any respect for soldiers and he laughed and said heeeeelll no, their pretty much useless and dieing for a no good reason......In other words he said "their a bunch of retards that get S***y pay and played to many video games to think they could actually be heroes. I was disgusted with his response and wondered why he had such little to no respect for soldiers that die for our rights and freedoms, and protect us from the terrors of war. Everyone ended up laughing at me and telling me I was not gonna join the army, because I would be to scared. And then a another guy that has been working their for maybe 10 years talked to me in seriouse tone and said the government just brain washes you to think you are dieing for a good cause, and makes you beleive that you should have alot of pride, and honor. I was shocked about how some one could be so ignorant!!! And to add to it, they teased me about it and said I was a skinny wimp, that would quit the first day I got to boot camp. I said something on the lines of, if I die for my country then all of you will regret what you just said. Then they were like, ya you will die a loser that never got married, thats poor and getting abused by your drill instructer,,,,basicly they told me I would die unhappy and poor without a love in my life that cared about me.
It really shocked my confidence in joining. But I do know that non of these loseres are gonna keep me from my dream.