
Why do some people here think that only a female can take half of the marital assets?

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  1. The person with less money usually gets alamony

  2. Quite a few people have a limited experience with the real world where more than 25% of working wives make more money than their spouse. I made more than my ex and lost a ton of money when we divorced as I was paying for the majority of the mortgage and household expenses. I have to laugh when these guys say men shouldn't marry and if they do they should get a prenup-same goes for women. I'm not marrying again. Been there-done that-have the empty wallet to show for it.

  3. It is ridiculous...isn't it?  This presumption shows more about the chauvinist attitude than most other things we read here....

  4. They spin it to suit their own agenda, of course.

    Besides, when you are talking about alimony paid from millionaires, the numbers have no meaning.... the concept of "standard to which one has become accustomed"  connotes an absurd sense of entitlement.   If you have nothing and marry into money, you should be fully prepared to return to having nothing if you cannot keep the marriage together.

  5. Mathematically,  If someone only gets half of the assets, the other person must also have received half - making the parties equal.  I learned that in the third grade.  My do the anti-fems have a problem with this concept?

  6. Cindy Mccain sure realized it.  She's one of the smart ones.

  7. If the female takes half, who gets the other half?

  8. Because the men on here come to rant about the evils of women, they have nothign better to do,.

  9. I am not sure that everyone really thinks that, I believe it is only in California where each spouse is legally entitled to half of all property aquired during the marriage.

    A lot is down to the male mindset, we like to aquire things, to own them. And, because in the past and still unfortunately today, men are by and large the higher earning in a partnership - their belief is that they are entitled to a bigger share than the wife. They paid for it so it belongs to them.

    It's just something that we cannot get our heads around a lot of the time - sorry.

    Plus some of us also know that if we make a sweeping generalization like that, there are going to be a flurry of denials and pontificating - much like here. Sometimes it is just fun to put the cat among the pigeons

  10. This is not really new.  For quite a while, there have been men who have taken marital assets when divorcing high profile women.  It happens more often than people think...and not just to rich women, either.

    Joan Lunden,  the former host of Good Morning America, had to pay alimony to her husband...and in her divorce, her husband said that he was the one who gave up his career to further hers and he was the primary parents due to her career and she had to pay child support and alimony to him.

    Also, didn't Kevin Federline get spousal maintenance when he and Britney Spears divorced?

    Peter Holm, one of the ex-spouses of the actress Joan Collins, tried to sue for alimony, but the court threw it out.

    Rumor has it that Star Jones may have to fork over a considerable sum to Al Reynolds, despite the fact he's rich in his own right.

    But there are also women who are  "everyday people" who wind up paying alimony/spousal support to ex-husbands, too, yes, there are some women who reneg on it, and even become deadbeat parents, too...shameful.  

    One of the reasons I won't get re-married?  Because my boyfriend is disabled...and if we married and divorced, I'd more than likely have to pay alimony. I was like, oh h**l no.  I love him, but not enough to give him half my income for the rest of his life!

  11. Anti feminist men on here so love playing the victim card, they will never acknowledge that men aren't always the poor little abused saintly husbands who loose everything in a divorce.

  12. I personally think that a lot of heart ache and struggle will be avoided if either all marrying couples had to go through prenup as standard, or marriage was just that, a single day, a single marriage, no chance of any payment after a divorce. I don't see why 'money' and 'marriage' are even so heavily related today. If you go through a 30th birthday party and a week later you find that you don't like being 30 then tough, live with it. If you go through a marriage then you don't like it, you can at least get a divorce or annulment, other than that, tough, live with it, and with a marriage, you actually have a choice in the first place. At least that's how it should be.

  13. a lot of the guys on here are from the misogynist Father's Rights club. they've been thru divorce court and claim to have been "taken to the cleaners." they claim they lose money, possesssions and children.

    fact is, many of the men that go thru divorce court are abusive. the majority of couples can settle their affairs. the minority that can't have conflict - they have to go to court and have a judge decide. then the guys claim its discrimination when they've not been the primary child carer (and dont receive sole/primary custody) or have to pay some form of support. their problem is with the courts (most courts have gender task forces) but their hate and anger is directed towards wome in general and feminists in particular. hmmm.

    anyway, they use Y/A as a free propaganda machine. it's even mentioned on one of their web sites.

    they think if they hit us over the head often enough we'll start to believe them...

  14. Not sure why they think that, I know from a variety of sources that both men and women have access to the same law of property division.

    Perhaps they believe it because it suits them to do so.

    Cheers :-)

  15. They don't think it for real. The men here who say stuff like that are anti-feminists repeating bogus fiction that isn't even very good. They Hope other people will believe it if they say it loud and often enough.

  16. It's a big myth that's petuated by the general experience.

    the truth is go for it and 50% of the time men will get what they ask for.  50% of the time men are winning custody of the kids.

  17. Well if one person takes half of the assets doesn't the other person take the other half?  I am not quite sure what your issue here is.  Sorry.

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