
Why do some people in this section say they are fluent in French while they aren't, judging from...?

by  |  earlier

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all the mistakes they make!!!

And please, stop it with your online translators, it's so awful to read the translations you make with that rubbish stuff!

By the Way, do you often use online translators? what for? Do you understand what is said in the target language? Are you able to correct the possible nonsense they often give? or do you blindly trust them?

To translate one word, it's ok, but not always, according to the context !! But to translate longer sentences, yikes !!!!

I'm French!




  1. ive answer french questions too. you aint gotta be fluent too answer a question. i aint a native and have never said im fluent.

    im still learing. ive nver used a translator to give someone an answer. that takes too long and i know it would be all messed up.

    i know enough french to know when someone has used an online translator.

    i used to give stupid answewrs, but now yahoo answers is so boring. i dont even know why i signed up. i still ask a lot of questions. but i need to stop coming to yahoo answewrs each time i come to the internet

  2. I agree. I've seen too many people use online translators, even to do homework! The horrible thing is, the French and Spanish teachers at my school don't even care if you use an online translator (even though all the grammar is totally incorrect). They just give the students the grade.

    I never use online translators, unless I want to understand the gist of the sentence. Other than that, I will not post the outcome of the translator onto the Internet.

  3. well i have never said im fluent in fench.

    i have never used an online translator.i aint gonna waste time doing that.

    but i do know enough french to help a lot of times

    if i dont know i alway say i dont know and give the answer i think

    im haitian and i know a lot of french. but i can't think completely in fench like native french speakers. so i have never said im fluent in french

    somtimes i try to put my translation in other words and people give me a lot of thumbs down, but again, i cant think in french that good, cause i havent been thst immersed in the language

    but for your question sometimes they might be native french speakers that dont know enough english.

    i've seen the same thing in the french flag questions.

    i rember once someone asked.comment dire expire- le en anglais(or something like that)

    and a whole bunch of answers said expire the.

    and you can bet they got it directly from an online translator


    i would say im half fluent if that exists.

    im familair with like more than 80%french words, but it's just that ive never really lived in a full french speaking area to help me even more.

    i answer because i just wanna help. most of the answers i give im about 99.88 percent sure, but natives usually have the best answers because they can think in it and are use to the expressions and all that

    but i try to help , tell what i know, and do what i can to help anyways

    but a lot of times depending on the question i just say something stupid, that will make me kinda alguh

  4. I am fluent in French, though not perfect. I generally reply to the French questions if the answers so far are clearly nonsense, and sometimes if I have a Quebecois take on the question. I'm also pretty good at telling when someone's learning French and has made an effort vs. ran it through a translator themselves. And I find some computer-generated translations just really interesting. (Le lion court=the short lion was one.)

    I don't bother using online translators for French, but sometimes for German, on Y!A as well as IRL. Here, for the practice. I won't know all the words but I want to take a stab at the grammar, and it's just easier to let Babelfish get me started. IRL, usually for reading emails at work (I have to check the info box) which are in German, to see if they're useless/spam or something I should pass on to my boss.

  5. i  know ! im lfuent spanish and everyone does that!

  6. Well well well.. I agree on these facts:

    Some people on Yahoo pretend to be French or to be fluent in French...and they are not! It drives me crazy! nuts...

    Why answer to a question if you don't know the answer or if you use an on line translator ( they ALL give rubbish  translations)

    What is the purpose...get 2 points?? ha ha ha...silly people. I read that some of them want to help...well if you really want to help..please don't answer!!!

    @goddess : well..did you miss me? I was in France for almost 2 months..You are not going to believe me..but I am kind of happy to see your are you starting to like me??..

    I am a French native/ French tutor and an English to French translator.

    A REAL one ( check my profile)

  7. look it here lady, I have no idea what your problem is. I DON'T SPEAK FRENCH, I WAS JUST TRYING TO HELP SOMEONE OUT. I DIDN'T F*CKING KNOW THAT ONLINE TRANSLATORS DIDN'T WORK. you could've just told me that instead of posting some stupid question and saying "don't listen to yoaznnigga2" How am I supposed to know it doesn't translate whatever that question was. I only use it to help me with my language skills. and besides it can't be THAT wrong. The translated words HAVE to have some sort of meaning to the real thing. I helped that girl define that sentence to the best of my ability. I'm not gonna go out tonight and learn a whole other language to help this person, but better yet, give her a online translator. Next time, think before you actually post dumb question and answers.  

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