
Why do some people in this section seem so stupid and unintelligent when it comes to awful gas prices?

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These people who portray a lack of intelligence in their replies often keep saying that you just need to be more frugal and spend more intelligenty. Spending intelligenty is only going to help you so much because your savings will be less, like saving for your d**n future, and then you've got the stores whose sales are going down because less people are buying leisure items that aren't needed.

Think about how many people are probably getting laid off at the factories that make XBOX 360s and PS3s because people know they can't afford it anymore so therefore spend more intelligently and don't buy what they don't need.

No, what you need to understand is that the only way things are going to be as good as they were before gas was more than $2.00 a gallon is if people start driving other types of cars, like electric cars and semi-trucks no longer use diesel, but rather an alternative source of energy so food prices can go back down.

Why are some people so ignorant to these things? An alternative source on energy is the only way out.




  1. Europeans sound like they are being frugal and spending more intelligently when using mas transit and bike trails.   Many people in this country could do the same.   If they did, fuel prices would fall.

  2. Many of your solution don’t meet the needs of the people, yes some people can use electric cars, or use compress natural gas, but just what are you going to use to replace diesel, algae oil maybe if the test plants work out.

    Electric cars have many problems; all have been beaten to death here. Algae oil (of which I’m a fan) is only in the test phase, hydrogen is a pipe dream until someone come up with a cheap clean way to produce it.

    Mass transit only works where you have a lot of people, take your example of Europe, England for this example.  The total area of England is 50,352 sq mi with a population of 60,776,238 the area of North Dakota is  68,976 sq miles with a population of  642,200. If you accept that the minumin level of service should be a bus at each stop every 30 minuets (anymore then that most people would drive) how much would it cost to service the state of North Dakota, almost the same as it would for the all of England. So what make economical since for England certainly doesn’t make economical since for North Dakota or many other states.

    Most people have themselves to blame for their fuel bill, they bought bigger cars and trucks then what they needed. Had they been more frugal then and bought what they needed instead of the huge SUV they wanted they wouldn’t be forced into deciding fuel or a PS3.

    Sorry but most of your solution would cost us more in fuel and dollars.


    To Bill_5574

    First youtube isn’t the first place I’d go for my research, I’ve done my research I know and have posted how much energy you get back by making HHO or hydrogen boost as they are calling it now. As I have posted here many, many times about the HHO con and NEVER once have the HHO pushers EVER show where my math or numbers are wrong. I post my numbers, I’ve shown where you can find the numbers I’ve used, in both text books, through independent research, from engine manufactures etc. anyone can check my numbers and my math.

    I’ve gone to the HHO web sites and done the math on the testimonials they post. In one case to make the numbers posted your engine would have to be 106% efficient!

    I been around awhile I remember this con from the 1970’s and it didn’t work then it don’t work now, and yes it’s been tested independently.

    But if you wish to believe youtube go here

    and think how much money you’ll save on AA batteries, just so you know it’s a con too.

  3. Gas and diesel vehicles are cheaper than electric, hybrid, and other alternative fuels.  We will continue to use them until something more affordable comes along and is reliable.

    It costs billions to build subway and train systems.  That money doesn't just appear from nowhere.  It would come from higher taxes.  

    Europe has much smaller more compact cities.  You can walk or ride a bike to get somewhere because the cities were designed before cars.  US cities were not.  Many suburbs don't even have sidewalks and we don't generally live within a mile or 2 of everything we need.

  4. I completely agree with you.

    But Its America! no solution here, specially on over populated areas. Like Los Angeles..!

    There is many alternatives too, but people don't take advantage of them.

  5. alternative forms of energy would be great, especially if it makes this country energy independent. the reality is though that there is very little infrastructure to support alternative energy vehicles, electric cars have limited range and long recharge times, and the people who buy the cars wont buy anything until there is the ability to get the car refueled. that wont happen until there are enough alternative energy cars on the road to start supporting the infrastructure, and that wont happen until the automakers build the cars, and that wont happen until the people buy alternative energy cars. nice catch 22 situation there isn't it?

    as for subways, and high speed rail, these things cost lots of money to build, and lots of money to support. even new york city with its excellent subway system has many issues with maintenance, crime(subways being under ground, and rife with places to hide means it is a good place to commit crimes and have a real chance of getting away with it), etc. high speed rail in this country could help reduce the number of airplanes being used, but building a high speed rail system would cost nearly as much as building an infrastructure to support hydrogen powered cars from scratch. where would this money come from? if from the government, that means you will be paying much higher taxes to support the construction and operation of the system, and then we have another amtrack system(a money losing proposition). and we are going to have to produce much more electricity than we do now, and it will have to be even more reliable than it is now, especially in the rural areas.

    if you have private industry build it, we will still have to have far more electricity than we do now, and you will have many lawsuits filed by the environmentalists to prevent the system from being built, even though it would be good for the environment. and you are going to have the NIMBY people file suit as well, further delaying the project, possibly to the point where private industry will dump the project.

    you want alternative energy? get government and the environmentalists out of the way, and watch what happens.

  6. I agree with you. I can't believe some of these people! If you check a few of my latest questions you will see that I asked for people with experience with hydrogen/gasoline hybrid cars to tell me about their results and mostly I just had people saying that it's not possible to save gas by injecting hydrogen and oxygen with normal gasoline and when I'd email them and ask if they have ever tried it they all admit that they are just ignorant.

    Richard, I wanted to let you in on the truth, there is a cheap easy way to produce hydrogen on demand so it doesn't have to be stored in tanks or bought from "gas" stations. Look on youtube for example for HHO and I'm sure you'll find what I'm talking about. While it isn't a total answer, with some time and a little money ($100 or less) you can up your cars gas mileage by anywhere from 10% to as high as strait out doubling it! Don't take my word for it, check it out, do your research.

    dehsq, I understand what your talking about when you say that limiting drilling is just going to further the price gouging, and I even agree with you but I have to tell you that what your talking about is very dangerous to the long term success of the US. Say they do open it up and the "local" oil companies find enough oil to bring the price down a little or even a lot. What did we just do though? We've just garenteed that companies aren't going to work on other options because they'll no longer be profitable because none of the citizens will be motivated to buy other technology. We'll be right back where we were ten years ago which doesn't sound half bad until you realize that ten years later we'll be where we are now... again... Having this same conversation about why this happened and what can we do to get off oil. Nuff said, word! Peace and all that other hip c**p that losers say! Lol.

  7. Limit exploration, limit other energy sources by mindless opposition, expect politicians to pass laws replacing science with inefficient wind and solar collectors.....and you get the recipe for higher oil prices!

    Remember: Inefficient sources really place an even  bigger  burden on conventional gas coal and oil usage!  

    The premise for all this is that Carbon Dioxide is harmful.  This premise cannot be proven ;  people exhale it and ... plants love it!  

  8. Perhaps if your food didn't have to travel from South America the price wouldn't be affected as much by gas prices.

    Our current economy is unsustainable, we import more than we export, too much of what we consume is grown or manufactured outside of our country.

    I support my local economy by buying most of my food from local and organic farms, I haven't seen an increase in my food prices.

    The fact that most Americans are in unmanageable amounts of debt is also an unsustainable choice. We can't be expected to go out and buy things that we can't afford to pay for so the economy can be strong. The biggest thing wrong with our economy now is over 1 million people bought houses they couldn't afford. That created a domino effect, housing prices went up, we built too many houses too fast and then it topped out. Now the housing industry is correcting itself. The government was happy to report how healthy the economy was when all the housing starts were up and all the loans were getting approved. Now we are in a huge mess. People need to take care of their families, and not worry about the economy.  

  9. wait, gasoline was over $3.00 per gallon in 1976, so this isn't new.  The alternative fuels cost more than plain old oil based fuels so that means we will have less money to buy food.

  10. What gets me is that people seem to think that a car has to run on gasoline. Mine don't. I have a 1999 Ford Crown Victoria and a 1998 Ford F-150 picup truck, and neither one has ever used a drop of gasoline. They run on natural gas (methane) and were made that way, not converted. They are cheap to fill up ($10 in Utah) and way cleaner than gasoline powered cars. I didn't know such vehicles existed until last November when gasoline prices hit $3.00 a gallon, and we'd had enough. Started researching alternatives, and these popped up. What a deal. Who knew? So now we try to tell everyone who will listen that they don't have to use gasoline at all, and we have the cars to prove it.  

  11. I'm convinced that some of these people who spend all of their time bashing alternative energy sources work for the oil companies and can't stand the thought of a little honest competition.  They like to talk about the "free market", but what they really want is to be free to be a monopoly.

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