
Why do some people just assume that because you have a trophy rack on the wall that you wasted the meat

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,instead of eating the meat like most hunters do? Just because I may have a 12 point shoulder mount hanging on the wall doesn't mean that I suddenly started throwing good venison away!




  1. I feel you. I have an African oryx as well as a nice whitetail and an elk and javalina......people say the strangest things. The Orxy really stands out and people jump to the wildest conclusions, even though it comes from a wild herd that was let loose in southern New Mexico like 50 years ago.

    I have had people comment that it's an "endangered species". Oh really? Then why does the state issue Oryx tags every single year to harvest them?

    I have had conversations started about how the White man's imperialism over Africa has led to the current pitiful state of affairs in that continent, along with accusing glances my way. I've never been to Africa and there's no mention that most of Africa has been independent of European rule for over half a century, and what have they done with it? All from an animal's head.  

    I have had some hunters come in and tell me "I'm against trophy hunting, I only hunt for the meat!". This really gets me, it's gotta be one of the most ignorant statements ever made, as hunters should know better. The anti-hunters have suceeded in dividing our ranks with their lies and propoganda! Even paid "trophy hunts" in thrid world countries result in the meat not wasted.  

    What the h**l makes them automatically think that we left meat to waste? Actually, that big oryx fed a lot of people...some went to me and my party, some went to the butcher who helped process it and nearly half went to the largest homeless shelter in the region, who gladly served roast, stew and sausage to their clients. Oryx is almost like beef, very tasty.      

    One of my wife's employees gets physically upset when she sees it and cannot go into the room. She refers to me as 'the murderer' and yet I have seen her at McDonalds chowing down on a Quarter Pounder. Oh, the hipocracy!  

    My wife works at a university, so we entertain some ah, 'diverse' groups of people as you can imagine. Surprisingly, some of the ones you would think would be most against it are the ones who have me pull out my photo albums and listen to my adventurers for hours.  

  2. Because Bambi taught them that hunters were mean

  3. Dunno.. In a half century of hunting, I've never run into that one. Maybe it's because I'm a southern country boy, and it's rare to find a house that doesn't have hunting trophies in it.

  4. Some people are in their own world! They probably wouldn't be able to survive one night or day in a real depression!*

  5. Ignorance

  6. Some peolple are just uninformed or uneducated when it comes to hunting and/or firearms. Just FYOI, I did here a story about a guy that killed a trophy elk out west on an Indian Reservation and a psycho Czech devil worshipper dude that was living there killed the hunter because he did only pack out the mount on foot and left the meat to rot. Many International trophy hunters also do not always eat or give away the meat. Many times too it goes to waste but, it's really not being wasted when you consider the scavengers are going to consume it. In America most Game & Fish regulations state that a hunter is in violation of the law if they let any edible portion of the animal go to waste.

  7. For starters, they have no idea that it's merely the fur and antlers slipped over a poly form with glass eyes!

    I often wonder if they don't think the rest of the animal isn't on the other side of the wall, instead of in the freezer or our stomachs.

    They should realize this decends from the ancient practice of utilizing every part of the animal...even if it is utilized as a decoration and a reminder of the hunt. Prehistoric man kept the "unusable" parts of animals and turned them into decorations and religious objects to honor the animals spirit. Mounting the head of a deer today is no different. It is a testimony to our respect for our prey, and our desire to be reminded of our relationship with it. It remains beautiful, even in death. What would they have us do, throw it away?


    We hunters detest wasting our prey.

    We love and respect it.

    We honor its memory and thank it for the sustainance of our bodies, as we thank God for providing it for us!

  8. Because they are ignorant.

  9. ya i no what you mean, people seem to think just because you have a trophy on your wall you just took half the body. i guess its just like the people that dont support hunting...they made up their mind and they wont change it

  10. because you didn't invite me over for a steak? . . . . truly those kind of people must be made aware that if you leave the meat behind you face stiff penalties . . . and even if you do not eat the meat it can be donated to a food shelter or homeless mission  No need to get your dander up, forgive them for they do not know. And if that doesn't work, just let them know that you been saving the space next to the shoulder mount for them.

  11. I don't know where you live but in South Texas THAT is never assumed.  Congratulations on your twelve-pointer.  I'll bet it is awesome. I'm holding out for a twelve-pointer myself to do a shoulder-mount and you can bet the meat won't go to waste!  I do have a ten-point skull mount and a 9-point rack I'll be putting up in my hunting cabin today or tomorrow (depends on how quick I can get outta Houston and on to deep South Texas!).

    Happy hunting.


    Afterthought Boker:  Now that I think about it the only people I know of that do waste meat is the poacher.  They go into other people's property and kill a trophy deer than hike out only with the anthlers.  But these guys sell the horns to some big city attorney who'll display them (on some doctored up doe's head that a taxidermist fixed for him) giving the impression that he's some kind of big game hunter!  I understand the racks sell for big bucks in places like Houston, Dallas and Fort Worth.  A niece's hubby came by my house in Houston one day and showed me a medium-size skull mount he bought while visiting here that he paid a couple of hundred for.  He is not a hunter.  I showed him that ten-point skull mount I have and he kinda turned green.  

    We all need to do our part by reporting poachers.


  12. well only one word comes to me when I hear someone say that..................IGNORANT

  13. I think its stereotyping. They see rack and think; antlers, trophy, means trophy hunter that wastes meat and keeps antlers.

    Much like if one of them sees an AR-15 they see a military looking rifle and think of assault rifle, a danger, a radical gun owner.

    It’s all a combination of miss information, assumptions, and as I said stereotyping you.

    I have boxes of antlers, horns, skulls, teeth etc that I have collected over the years. I had some young men helping me move things into our storage area one day and they saw my collection. One of them said that I was sick and morbid. After I explained how much the elk Ivory teeth, wolf skulls, bear skulls and antlers were worth; their eyes grew wide with amazement. I also explained that I did not like to waste anything I could use from the animal. Even the scrap meat/ fat were use for animal feed. The heart and liver saved for my freezer. The hide tanned and sold or saved for me. I have had clothes made out of elk, deer, moose and fur bearers. One pair of mukluk’s made by a local Alaskan native for the wife from my animal leathers and hides, was apprised at $800. So using/saving parts of game animals, pays off and its environmentally friendly lol!

    You could place a framed note under the rack,  informing them; This animal was digested by me. :)

  14. Some people get off on that, it's their opportunity to provoke their liberal minded bias upon the world.

  15. For the uneducated it is perfectly natural to assume that the meat was never used, or utilized for Food.* Knowledge is Power only if you acquire it and use it.*~~ Forgive them father for they know not what they do.*

  16. hey i do refer to those kinda of hunters but to make a point. i dont think all hunters through away the meat. i say as long as you are using the meat in a good way(like eating it or selling to a place that sells it) then your good in my book. but the few who just keep from the shoulders and up i dont have respect for. hey have you ever shot a deer or whatever you had a tag for, shot it from like a 100m or less. like some real skill to sneak up on to not hiding and all. or is that against the rules? i have never hunted but im only fifteen with a father who doesnt like hunting but doesnt care if others do so. and i have no friends who go and i live in the city. wrong place for a country boy.

  17. city folks just do not understand I blame their parents for lack of providing them with an education.

  18. There will always be ignorant individuals.  All you can do is try to educate them.  

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