
Why do some people keep their Q&As private?

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Do you think there's a pattern/trend in the types of people who do this? I find that it's often the "angry political" types who do this. Hmmm I wonder why.......?




  1. Hard experience has shown that trolls who take a dislike to you will mine your ancient resolved Q&A, looking for things to report.

  2. There are stalkers...I don't like them going through my stuff. And trolls.

  3. "angry political types"?

    I've seen wayyyy more than just them doing that.

    Maybe you think that because you mostly check theirs.

    I for one, keep mine private because I don't want people stalking my answers. I prefer to be a little more anonymous when asking questions, too. If they're personal questions, I don't mind asking them, but maybe I'd be a little embarrassed if someone could go in my Qs and think differently of me because of one or two.

    ALSO, the reporting/thumbs thing. Reporter TROLLS go through people's answers and report them if they're public. So many reports (no set number, just when they feel like it) and your account is suspended or banned. It's not just the regular trolls (ahem, Reporter Clem), either - it can be ANYONE who holds a grudge or disagreed with something you say.

    And then there's the fact that if you GOOGLE your display name, your page comes up! Since I use this name for many accounts at different places, someone (my mother! old bat) could easily find my page. I don't want people that I know seeing anything that I say on here!

    I also have mine set to prevent people from being my "fan" - as soon as they click that button, they have access to your Q&A.

  4. cause i dont want people all up in my business!

  5. I have mine private, and I'm not an angry political person at all. I just don't want people to know more than what I write to them and what they can see on my page. and I ask some crazy *** embarrassing questions man! -just kidding

  6. I'm not a "angry political." I just got tired when every time I asked a personal question my friend would go on and and answer my questions for me. And she would check for what questions that I have I have answer, than she would go and answer the same question that I did. After a while I get annoyed.

    The true paranoid private people do not accept e-mails either. lol

    The question should be, "Why don't people write in their 'About Me' section?" What is it there for if the majority do not use it? lol

  7. I answer private questions sometimes and so the answer goes to the user at the moment they ask it, no reason why somebody should try to track me down following the answers...

  8. I am not angry and really don't care much for politics.  I keep my questions and answers private because I know my boss uses this site.  The odds of her finding personal questions are slim but why chance my boss finding a post about a personal issue?

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