
Why do some people kiss their dogs in the mouth? Isn't that unsanitary?

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I know they say a dogs mouth is cleaner than a person's, but considering my dog eat his own f***s, as well as the p**p of other dogs; licks his croutch; licks/sniffs other dogs butts; eats his own vomit, etc, I have a hard time believing that.

In fact the only person I kiss in the mouth is my wife. It was so disgusting because when we adopted our dog from the shelter, he smelled like p**s and was really dirty, but the owner was all kissing him in the mouth.

Several weeks later, when our dog was diagnosed with worms, the vet technician who did his fecal leaned in close to him and was letting him l**k her all over the face and near her mouth even though she knew he had worms and giardia. EWWWWW!!!

I love my pup, but I think I'll stick to kissing the top of his head every once in awhile and scratching his tummy




  1. hey,

    guess what your dogs mouth is STILL cleaner then ur wife's so hey suck it up and dont kiss ur dog on he mouth if u dont want to

    xox Nicole

  2. I have never seen anyone kiss a dog IN the mouth like you put it. That would be creepy. But I let me dog l**k me on the face. It's a show of affection. I wouldn't tongue kiss her. Some people are comfortable with their dogs l*****g them, some aren't. It is just a personal choice. Not a big deal.  

  3. its because of the bond i guess.  

  4. Yeah I think when they kiss it it's gross but it's up to the person.

    Like in Something About Mary the lady was practically Frenching with her dog  

  5. Yes it is unsanitary people do it because they love their dog so they want to treat it like a person not like a animal not as good as them.

  6. Oh that's nasty!! yeah, I hate it when dogs l**k me, I only kiss my pets on their little foreheads ^-^

  7. Lol. I think it is true that a dog mouth is considered to be cleaner than a humans, but like you, I don't really understand why!!  Could it be a matter of scientific opinion? I am pretty dang sure than the bacteria in a dogs mouth has got to be different than the bacteria in a humans mouth, especially after what you just said, ( Or at least I sure hope so!) Having said that, I agree with you; I would not kiss my dogs on the mouth. I love them both to bits, but my mouth is off limits to them. I save that for the hubby. I have to constantly tell my granddaughter to not to kiss my dogs! YUK.

  8. I think a dog's mouth is not any cleaner than the average person's mouth.  The difference is the amount of bacteria or viruses that won't cross over between our two species.

    Personally, I don't kiss my dogs on the mouth, I don't let them kiss my face.  I am much happier with couch cuddles as a form of supreme affection ;)

  9. I'll start with another question. Why do you kiss your wife on the mouth? You love her right? Even if us humans eat so much processed food, meat, etc. and we have A LOT (even if your teeth are pearly white) junk in our mouths, we still kiss those that we love. If you love your dog, you will kiss it. Just like if you had a baby who was sick because he/she barfed, etc., you would still kiss your child. To some, dogs/cats/horses, etc., are like their children. And it's true dogs have one of the most sanitary mouths of all animals.

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