
Why do some people like the smell of gasoline?

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I'm looking for scientific answers here. Is there some brain chemistry or evolutionary answer to this question? Listing sources would be helpful. I'd think someone would have done some kind of study of the science behind people liking strange/"bad" smells- - gasoline, smoke, sulfur, matches, etc.




  1. I dunno i like it!

  2. Gasoline releases a chemical in your brain that tells you it is good.

    It's not! You lose brain cells!!

  3. In the US the smell of gasoline is redolent of association with drag races and powerful cars.Anyone with any sense will get away from it as soon as possible.

  4. Well, they're associated with colorful fire and fireworks and...wait a minute, you mean there are people that DON'T?  That would have to be some kind of weird sensitivity, like how some people have epileptic siezures from flashing lights.  It must be awful to live like that.

  5. cause there crazy an need help

  6. the old 4 star petrol, the stuff with poisonous lead in it smells much better than unleaded... mmm... toxic fumes :D

  7. i have no scientific evidence but I like the way it smells.  Have no idea why!?

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