
Why do some people like to voice out negative remarks about appearance?

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I was talking to a cousin from out of state whose son lives around the neighborhood I live. My cousin said that his son told her that he saw my son at a store. My cousin told me that her son told her to let me know that my son is tall, but has unproportioned body, and to tell me to have my son do body work out to build some muscles. I was a bit ticked off and I replied that my son has his own life and I don't believe in telling him to go out and work out. Also, I told her that it wasn't a very constructive message for me to relay to my son and I believe that he's not going to appreciate hearing about it. Can anyone voice out your opinion regarding my cousin's comment, please? Is that a nice comment to say about my son? Please share your opinion. Thank you.




  1. at school, i get called monkey b/c I'm small and dark skinned. but if you act like a stuck up ***** at  school, work,etc, then they will give up and leave u alone . and don't just do it once. . do it every time. when they talk to u or say something, try to ignore them by putting your phone to your ear and pretending to talk. . act like  u have some thing more important to do. then they  will leave u alone

  2. In my experience people who put others down have low self esteem themselves. It is always easier to "fix" someone else than it is to "fix" yourself.  I don't think your cousin's comment was nice at all, but you also don't have to pass the message on to your son. Stop the hurt feelings before they even happen. =)  

  3. No it was not a nice comment. My opinion: People like that, if not meaning harm are incredibly stupid and rude.  

  4. I would say the exact same as you. I cant believe that anybody would say that! I'd probably insult them back though. and to answer your question, i'd say, that if some body were to describe me and say like a bunch of compliments and a insult from nowhere i'd block the insult and thank everything cept it

  5. It is your cousins opinion, his taste, what he likes.

    Do the same back to him and when he complains - ask him why he does this.

  6. Don't give these people the oxygen of attention. Who the f**k do they they think they are?!

    You could respond with some negative non-constructive critisism of your own.

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