
Why do some people make a fuss, ask us to be friends and in our network and after this.....?

by  |  earlier

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...they do not bother answering to any of our questions??

I find it weird and I can't see the Thought behind this behaviour!

Yes, I am curious!! hehehe




  1. I wouldn't know.  Nobody wants to be in my network and tell me how to make sandwiches.

    But... less about me... =P

    They either don't know that they should answer your questions, think they should not answer them, or think they should answer them but see a reason not to.

  2. I think they are infatuated and get caught up in the moment.......

  3. well, i don't understand that either, but we can't force them to answer every question we post. it's their choice. i don't return the favor though. i always answer their questions religiously.........

  4. Because people become easily enthousiastic and equally easily forgetful...

  5. I don't have anyone in my network. I never really figured out what it was for or why I should bother. You could apply this to the facebook account I deleted though!

    Why do people insist on being your friend if they are never going to talk to you anyway? Maybe they feel like they are building social standing and it means something to them. Personally I don't really care anymore. My real friends know how to make themselves apparent.

  6. Here I am having a 26 contacts and around 50 fans but with only 5 of them answering my questions and jokes, can you pls. rate me based on this statics?

  7. for me, it's a little different too, people would add me without sending an email, all the time, i guess they pony p**p isnt a good enough warning...

    i dont usually block people, if i dont add them, i let them be a fan, i guess i have become too soft, as the violations have seemed to have stopped...

    i must raise the bar though...

  8. I don't think it's meant to work that way, us asking&our contacts/fans answering and vice versa.

    IMHO you gain more strength having more reliable and skilled contacts to support you (and the other way round, of course) if you're trying to counter fight a bad/unjust political propaganda here, for example, or an equally important issue that you feel strongly about.

    But you don't necessarily answer their questions; reasons for this may be numerous: from lack of time to bad timing. I personally work at the PC and have this opportunity to pop in every now&then, but it's not like I can do it for 24 hrs 7 days a week. Some of us simply have different schedules, that's all.

    Sometimes I've been over an issue with a particular contact, and I don't feel the need to give my contribution again. Qs do get repeated, and discussed all over again.

    Sometimes I get reported multiple times over a week and if I don't want to lose my account, I have to keep a low profile. These things can coincide with any of my contacts asking Qs and I might not be able to answer. Most of them already know that and we have a silent agreement - that works both ways - that we ask and answer in a very democratic, very individual way; nothing is prescribed.  

  9. fulfill their minuscule ego and a sense of controlling power...

  10. Well, I have several theories about that:

    Maybe they just wanted to see if they could get added as a contact -once they did, mission accomplished, they moved on.

    Maybe they just wanted to follow you around and see what you had to say in your Q & A, but felt self-conscious about adding their thoughts.

    Maybe they just wanted to be close enough to feel your aura.

    Maybe they just wanted to be close enough to see your Wonderbra.

    Maybe they are thumbs-down trolls, just looking to get you at every opportunity.

    Maybe they found out that you were curious, and no longer want anything to do with you.

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