
Why do some people not seem to like Obama?

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He is very popular here in Europe.




  1. Because he kisses @ss big time

  2. Because he is plain stupid and full of B.S.  One time he said we have 57 states.  Another time he said he was in Sioux Falls when he was in Sioux City.  He makes blunders like this all the time.  He is a lousy public speaker.  If he makes a speech up on his own, it's horrible.  He needs someone to write him a speech for it to sound any good.  He has little political experience.  That's the other problem.  And he's tied to Tony Rezko who is a corrupt crook.  His house that he lives in was funded by Rezko.  I give more examples, but I think this tells you enough.  

  3. Obama has written two books, both filled with fabrications and untruths.  His 20 years in Wrights church and past writings and speaches clearly show he has racist views, politically he's a socialist.  None of these views are welcome.

  4. Much of the media tells us that it is because people fear that he is not equipped to lead our country due to his lack of experience as an executive. However, I personally believe it has more to due with (1) single issue voters who disagree with Obama on social concerns such as the right to health care, the right to choose abortion in cases of rape or incest, the right to a living wage, and the right to enter into civil union with someone of any s*x and (2) a lack of understanding of his policies.  There is widespread belief that Obama would raise taxes for the blue collar classes, this is not the case, however, but there are many who are fairly uneducated about this and cannot seem to find the resources (or don't look) to better understand the issues.

    In addition to these things, the US is a deeply conservative religious country and people are a bit racist, a bit xenophobic and a bit insular in their thinking about "new-comers".

    Laslty, Americans are afraid of a leader who might be strong enough to be flexible. The idea that we don't allow our leaders to change their minds as they consider issues over time is preposterous, but it is the American electoral process. So, people both want change and are, ultimately, afraid of it.

  5. They have what Jon Stewart has called Baracknophobia--the irrational fear of hope.

    As for Europe, anyone who is strongly against Obama won't have the ability to internalize what it would mean for a candidate to have a good report with foreign leaders as it is.  We still fancy ourselves a bunch of little isolationists.  

  6. For every opinion, there is another opinion.  It is not possible to say that Obama is the right candidate for everyone as everyone has and individual opinion.  This is the origin of the party system.  Now I don't think that a two party system is broad enough to make all people happy.

    As I see it, the only other option would be dictatorship, and even a "good" dictator is not going to make everyone happy.

  7. simon says

    cos he black i reckon

  8. because some people, think that clinton is more experienced then obama, but he does have a strong and powerful voice for his speeches to sound good

  9. he is dumb

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  11. because he is a socialist that wants more wars and more spending... and doesnt realize the country is going broke... and millions of americans have lost there homes and are living in streets...  

  12. They don't like his policies. Simple as that.

  13. Because having nice ideas isn't enough to lead a country, and some people are too ignorant and rosey eye'd to realise that! Nice idea's of socialism and cultural exptance have driven apart the people of England and destroyed this country under the Labour party. Some people seem to think it's somehow taboo to vote against people who have all the moral idea's and those people are more narrow minded and unaccepting than the people they speak out against!

  14. Because they fear change.

    Obama/Biden '08

  15. Because he wants to tax successful entrepreneurs who own small businesses to pay for the bums who enjoy getting free hand outs from the govt so they don't have to get a real job and support the economy.

  16. He is a socialist, marxist, anti-capitalist.

    We have not given up on capitalism.

    Socialism has failed wherever it's been tried.

    Capitalism works when you turn it loose.

  17. Alot of different reasons. some don't like him because he's democrat, african american, or just his decisions.

    I don't get why but I think he would be great for the U.S.

  18. Because many American have not evolved enough to share the world view that we are all in this together. They fear those different and still share the kill to save agenda. They lead with their minds not their hearts.

  19. Some Americans still believe that Capitalism is better than Socialism.  

  20. i personally don't like him because he seems inconsistent. one speech he's to the left, next speech he's revised his points to be more in the center. and the whole comment about abortion being above his pay grade really let me down. i don't think the man running to be our president should not be able to answer a question like that! that really showed me he's more about saying what he thinks will get votes, then what he really believes!  

  21. idk...but i love him!!!!

  22. I think its a lot to do with the colour of his skin  

  23. He thinks he's already won.  

  24. In my opinion, i believe that some people don't believe in change. The past presidents have all been white. But i do hope he becomes president, so he could be the one to make that change.

  25. You can't vote here so who gives a c**p.

  26. Meh, there are many reasons.

    One type of idiot repeatedly brings up his name.  E.g., "OMFG hiz naym iz barakk HUSSEIN obamma!11  hez a tearist moslem!11   hez rel8ed 2 saddem whosain!11"

    For others, it's the experience issue:  "OMG HEZ NAWT 8-FRIGGIN-MILLION YEARS OLD!!11  hao cna he leed."

    And then, there's always:  "LYK HEZE BLK!!!11  WTF!  if hez allected ime moovink 2 canadia lol."

    It all amounts to ignorance.  I'd say that at least 80% of Obama critics don't know or want to know anything more than what they see; he's black and he's got a strange name.  The ignorance of the masses is blindingly obvious.  Perhaps the electoral college wasn't such a bad idea?

    All that being said, there are some anti-Obama people out there that actually have a brain.  They are very few, but still, there are some.  They're mostly hardcore anti-Communist McCarthyists, or over-zealous warhawks, neither of which care about the common man.

    Because of the media, I think that the Democrats and the Republicans are the only parties that can get someone elected; it's been that way for about 150 years now.  I think Obama is flawed--isn't everyone?--but he's better than McCain.  Given the state of things, America needs a radically different face on its government.  The US can't take another cowboy president, it needs a real leader.

  27. Obama attended a church where the pastor preached "god d**n America" and "the white man invented AIDS to kill blacks" for twenty years.  In twenty years he couldn't figure out that his pastor hated whites and the USA.  Only when his church became a political liability did Obama cut ties with his former pastor.

    Obama is against the second amendment of the US constitution.

    Obama has stated that he wants to raise the corporate tax rate.  The US has the second highest corporate tax rate in the world.  Raising it would drive away business.

    Also Obama's followers are a bit off-putting.  Some are threatening race and class war if McCain wins.  I don't like rewarding morons who threaten me.  Some seem to view Obama as the second coming of Christ; an infalible and incorruptible savior for the whole world.  I don't like people who can't face the reality that their leader is human and capable of bias, ignorance and corruption.  Extremists like that have caused a lot of harm throughout human history.  

  28. He's about as popular as a f**t in a space suit, here in Europe.

  29. You can't like everybody. There are people who don't like the other guy either.

  30. Don't you know? Because we're all racists, of course. At least that's what the Obama camp and his supporters would have you believe.

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