
Why do some people not take care of their hygiene?

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I am seriously curious about this. I think it may be a depressive or psychological thing with some people.

I worked with a girl who bathed and washed her hair only once a week. She would come to work and her hair was so oily and dirty that it looked wet! She smelled of crotch and a ss. I always wanted to ask her (not maliciously) why she didn't keep herself clean. I now work with 2 women who hardly ever shower, they smell they look dirty. How does this happen?

I truly am curious to know the inner workings of the minds of these people. I am sure that in some cases it is depression, but there are some that are not depression.

If you are one of these people please enlighten me, if you know the answer because someone else told you, please explain.

I myself shower twice a day....I couldn't imagine being stinky.




  1. Some people don't feel the need to be obsessively clean. I think that some people need to wash more but then again some people need to relax about hygiene- it's not the be all and end all. I like to be clean but I couldn't be bothered showering twice a day, I'm too busy :)

  2. I believe it is either their upbringing or depression. I have to admit, sometimes on the weekend if I'm not going out, I'll skip a day.

  3. I thought the same thing last time I went to Disney World.. Of course, in Disney you have people from all over the world with different customs and cultures. But you'd think someone living in the US would realize that daily showering and use of shampoo and deodorant would be seen as the norm and adhered to.

  4. I think its just laziness. However, some people who are depressed, have low self esteem etc. See that there is no point....I myself shower every other day, I dont really get dirty tbh and dont sweat alot. Plus a wasted shower time could be some guitar practice, so why waste it on something pointless?

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