
Why do some people not use their degrees?

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My hairstylist has a degree in psychology, but she's a hairdreser, and I know a few people who have a degree but aren't making a living in their respected field. They're doing something totally different.

Why do some people not use their degrees? Isn't that just a waste?




  1. I have 3 family members not using there degrees. 2 are staying at home to be moms. They got their degrees for a fall back plan in case they needed to go back in the work force. The 3rd family member is making more money doing grunt labor work then a job with his degree would pay.

  2. Its not necessarily a waste. Many people go to school right after high school and at the age of 18 they are expected to make a decision regarding what they want to do for the rest of their lives.  I have a bachelors degree in finance but I am not working in my field and people often ask me why.

    #1  The business world is infested with politics. Either you play their game by their rules are out.  I got tired of compromising and I refuse to kiss a** so...I took myself out of the game.

    #2  A degree alone is often not enough to secure the position you would like to have within a company.  Most companies want you to have experience yet not many are willing to give you that experience.

    #3  I make more money working in a different field and its less stressful.

    I am still open to having a position in my field however, I have tired many years to secure such a position and without knowing anyone with connections or having experience...I have been unable to get the type of position that I would like. I have ended up with positions that I feel do not tap into my full potential and I got tired of settling so for now, I am very content and happy with working outside of my field. It is not a waste however because that degree has opened doors that otherwise may not have been opened, they just were not the doors that I wanted to walk through however, they helped me to support myself. Most importantly school taught me other valueable lessons in life.

  3. Your hairstylist has a completely useless degree. Everybody and their brother has a degree in psychology. A B.A. in psychology pretty much means that your hair dresser is only qualified to be, well.....a hairdresser.

  4. When I graduated I still hadn't figured out what I wanted to do. A lot of people are smart enough and the normal thing to do after high school is get a degree. Not everyone is ready to devote their lives to one thing. I'm sure your hair dresser feels the same way.

  5. I would have to disagree.

    I have a small degree in human services.  I have not had an opportunity to use my degree, but I do work with people and I truly respect the people in my community more.

  6. I have a literature degree, but I work in internet marketing now.  Pretty happily, I might add.

    I don't consider it a waste, though... my first job out of college was at a publishing company, where I started out wanting to work my way up to editor.  But along the way, I discovered I really liked advertising... then I got into marketing... and on and on.  

    But if I didn't have that literature degree, I never would have gotten that job in the first place.  Just because you have a degree in something doesn't mean that's what you will end up doing.  It's just a guess based on something you enjoy or are good at.  Life happens and things change.  How can that be considered a waste? ;)

  7. that's because what you are interested in at 19 when you choose your major, and what become interested in as you grow and mature, are very different for many people. think of how much you change between 19 and say, 30, or 35.

    usually people who are motivated and work hard are successful despite their degree field. a college degree does not guarantee anyone will be motivated and driven, especially in their major.

    my brother has a degree in history but is a lawyer, and my sister has a degree in classical voice but is a nurse. my husband has a degree in economics and an MBA, but is in Real Estate.

    in this day and age, the major for a bachelors degree is not that relevant unless you want to teachor go into medicine. advanced degrees are a different story.

  8. they did not find a job available in thier field. this happens alot.  people just pick whatever in college and think they can find a job. my roomate did music and never did find a job.

    im using my degree though cause i picked the right field.

  9. I think that people can change over the course of 10 to 15 even 20 years. I am using my degree currently yet I am preparing to go back to school to do something completely different. I spent 10 years working in my current field and I just want to branch off and do something else.

    I like what I do and will always be involved in it, but I want to help people now and educate.

    If you get a degree in marketing and use that degree for 10-15 years, you may decide that you want to do something later that helps people or humanity or the planet or animals or be a realtor etc.. You may decide that what you have been doing leads to a 9-5 stressful job that makes you struggle to pay bills and then you die.

    You may want something that makes you sleep better at night and decide to go into teaching or medicine or nursing or on a humanitarian mission. Life changes and priorities change. What's important changes too. Someone above me hit the nail on the head when they said it is expected for kids to go to college and make lifelong decisions at 18 when many 18 year olds are not psychologically advanced enough to be able to make decisions like that. So when they come into their own they re-make the decision that's right for them whether that means utilizing their paper degree or not they are going to do what makes them happy ro fulfills them. Because ultimately in life thats what matters, and people may not figure that out until later down the line. In the case of your hairdresser, maybe hairdressing makes them happy. May not make them rich but may make them happy.  

  10. I do not regret the years I put into my education. I have a BA in Biology, a Masters in Botany and a Masters in Religious Ed.  Of those I use the Religious Ed degree the most, as a volunteer in Christian Ministry.  When I completed my MS in Botany the job market was glutted with people holding advanced degrees. I went a different direction with my life.  After several years working bi-vocationally in Christian Ministry and seasonal resort jobs, I married, had a family and eventually re-entered the job market, working now in education. I am currently a para-educator in special ed, working at the elementary school level. I love what I do.  At 19, 20, 21 years old, I had plenty of interests but my life path was unclear.  With age and experience, that path became easier to find.  I am not wasting my education. It is part of who I am and has influenced how I see my life and the lives of those around me.

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