
Why do some people prefer Facebook over Myspace?

by Guest67033  |  earlier

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Okay, I'll admit, Facebook is the best for finding old friends. Also, the privacy settings are great. But it's HORRIBLE for networking and well, stalking. If Facebook's popularity increase any more, I guess we, musicians, designers, actors, will all say goodbye to networking.

What do you think?




  1. "But it's HORRIBLE for networking and well, stalking."

    Wow I never thought of that. Facebook sucks. /sarcasam

  2. Facebook is cleaner and more 'adult' than myspace is (ie, no html designs that take forever to load on your browser,  stupid music playing when you load a page, etc).  It also prevents trackers so a lot of people like that.  Myspace crashes a lot and facebook doesn't.  

  3. As a 22 year old, instead of worrying about inconsequential matters, why don't you try working on your business? That is called "personal responsibility".

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