
Why do some people prefer not to give birth and have no children?

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I have a few friends who have been married for long and do not have children. They do not want to have children and claim that they prefer quiet lives. Aren't children sometimes joy?




  1. chlidren can either bring a couple together more or make them drift apart. they obviously think that they would drift apart :I

  2. "Children are a joy. We were put on Earth to re-create."

    yes,but there are another missions  given to as.Question is do we know why we living for,for us or for humankind.

  3. You said the key word....sometimes.

  4. Even though nature intended us to populate the world it is already close to overpopulation. There are many children in the world that do not have parents. Therefore, I think that it is a very wise decision if someone knows that they don't want children to not give into society's expectations to have them. Some people don't have the patience nor the time. It does not make them selfish, it just means they are realistic. You should only bring children into this world if you are willing and want to make the sacrifices that are required to guide the children into productive and good citizens. Kudos to those that know themselves.

  5. I know when I think about having kids it scares me. To be responsible for making sure that a child is mentally, physically and, most importantly, emotionally supported. There are so many things that can go wrong. This might be because I have known many emotionally scarred people (including myself), and I don't think that I can say whole-heatedly that I want children until I work those things out  - if I ever do.

    It is an extremely personal decision, to decide not to want to have kids, as I am sure it is to decide that you want to have kids.

  6. Not everyone likes children, and I respect that.  Too many people have children that don't really want them or the responsibility.  These children and neglected or abused, ect... I would rather the people just not have kids.

  7. Having children is a huge responsibility.  They CAN be a joy, but only have them if you truly want them.  There is nothing wrong with choosing not to have them, if that's what the couple decides.

  8. It is called being "Child free".  The truth is children are just a very high maintenance vanity item.  When the vanity wears off you have a defiant 15 year old that the parents can't control.

    Why would I want to put myself though such a headache?  I get up when I want.  I buy what I want.  I can swim nude and have s*x with my long term girlfriend in my swimming pool.  I have many stamps in my passport.  My new Jeep is paid for.

    None of my friends with children have that.  All they do is sit around complaining about their children.  They had to fulfill their selfish need to control someone, so they made babies.  People don't make babies to give of themselves.  They do it out of a selfish need to control someones life.  If you have any doubt about it, just ask any of your friends that have kids while in private.  They won't admit that they made a mistake in front of other people, but they will in private.

    The best thing about not having children is the fact that I look about 10 years younger than I am.  I am 42, and often mistaken for 30.  I have a job that gives me 5 weeks vacation a year.  Perhaps the 4 traveling vacations I take each year is what  keep me looking young.

    Do you doubt what I am saying?  Put your question to a vote, and let the Yahoo community decide.

  9. To some people children could be considered a joy, but to others it might just be a burden. I know this might be a bad parallel, but it's almost like having a pet. Some people choose to have them and others don't. It might also be that some people like the flow of life that's going on and dont want change. Personally I think children would be a joy and when you break it down that is the purpose of humans beings when talking strictly primal instincts.

  10. Children are very joyful but they are also a LOT of responsibility.   They cost money, time, they are part of the people that raise them in absolutely every way.  When two people have a child, they are no longer just one person, they will ALWAYS have another part of them in this world.  That can be a very heavy weight on a person if they are not ready to accept that.

    Perhaps they are just not up to the challenge of raising a human being.  It IS still a choice the last time I checked.  And not all of us want to say yes to that choice.

    I myself am not sure I want to have children... not just for the reasons above, but also because the world today makes me very nervous for kids.  I remember seeing on CNN the other day about how they want to teach s*x education to TEN YEAR OLDS in school.  Wtf???  That's really scary - that people see a need to teach ten year olds how to use a condom.  

    I don't know... just my opinion, of course.

  11. Being married doesn't necessarily mean having children and having children doesn't necessarily mean to be married.

  12. Because these people WANT a life of their own! Instead of it being dominated by some dribbling, noisy and not to mention expensive child!

  13. Yes, but not everyone thinks they can handle, or wants, kids. beside bearing a child is painful. some people don't think it's worth it.

  14. They may be saying this because it is easier than saying "We are infertile" and having people feel sorry for them....I just had my first kid.....I love her more than anything and wouldn't give her up for the world.

    Having a kid makes your life not really about you is very tiring and scary....the responsibility factor is through the roof....You are no longer living a carefree life that you may have once is always about the child

  15. Children certainly are a joy . But not everyone is equipped to have them ... some people are too selfish to raise children ..some people are too ignorant and shouldn't have children .  I greatly respect people who can honestly admit that parenting is not for them ... Why bring a child into the world when you don't really want it.

  16. Children are a joy. We were put on Earth to re-create. I guess some people are selfish and think only of themselves.

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