
Why do some people presume fathers can't be good parents?

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I notice some people assume working women = neglected children. But isn't it sexist to assume being raised by their father is bad for children? What are your thoughts? :-)




  1. **** off Riku, my dad is Irish through and through, and was a great dad.

    Get your head out of your *** kid. Vast Majority of fathers are good guys, but hey, by all means continue to zero in on the idiots.

  2. when children are born. women are the primary caretakers because they are tired and at home and feeding them breast milk for the first 2 months and not many people can afford to take 2 months off unpaid. Men go and get the bacon.

    People think that women working is neglecting the child because they think its as though she wants to get away from the baby.

    Well, bullshit!

    Generally the media and advertising gives the impression women are more intuitive and know better with how to look after and care for a child.

    Also bullshit!

    Anyway this **** has nothing to do with feminism so please shut the f*k up.

  3. I guess some people think that way because the actions of other men have done it makes them automatically have that assumption in their head. But I have seen kids raised with their dad and things turn out as if the kid had both parents. I work in the field of social work and I believe there are always circumstances to the situation. Some do turn out with molestation abuse or other things. But like I said there are circumstances.

  4. I always wonder if these folks had bad experiences with their parents. You know, "if one is bad, they all must be".

  5. When I hear of a working woman, I dont think of a neglected child. Although I grew up in the generation where women did begin to return to work after pregnancy. It wasnt a common occurance for a woman to return to work in the generations before my own, it was the man who worked before, during, and after the pregnancy, so when one assumes the woman returning to work is neglecting her child, they assume the old way, that is the man is still working, and with two working parents, a child is neglected.

  6. Absolutely!! I stayed at home with my first. My husband stayed at home with our second and then when she was 9 months I gave up work as I was pregnant again and He went back to work. they still have very very close bound and she was just as well cared for and nurtured as the other two. He's just as good and capable parent as I am and we share everything parenting even now!!

  7. I see no problem in leaving a father to raise his children. The difference between a persons s*x and their gender is that s*x is the biological attributes that person has- p***s or v****a etc whereas gender is the roles assigned to the person because of their s*x. There is no physical attribute in a woman that enables her to instinctively know how to take care of a child! These are things we learn, sadly, from our mothers! Girls are encouraged to babysit while boys mow lawns for extra money!

    Edit* It was not feminism that has encouraged society to believe that women make better mothers. Feminism means equality and as a feminist i believe that men are just as capable of raising children as women

  8. I have no idea. My father worked constantly but always let us know that he was there for us and loved us. He drops everything he is doing to this day if I need him. And boy - I needed him today.

  9. If the assumption is made that fathers can't be good parents, it allows for the female first child support and custody scam to continue.

  10. I think people ASSUME that if the mother is working, the father is also. The concept of SAHD's doesn't fly into people's heads.

  11. Sadly society loves to pigeon hole individuals into to stereotypes. With these stereotypes come many unjustifiable assumptions. I think it is very sexist to assume that is bad for children raised by their fathers or working mothers neglect their children. We should move away from these stoneage stereotypes and look to a more open and accepting way of thinking.

  12. It defends on a man most men can be good parent, my father is a good parent he instilled good morals in me.

  13. Not at all.  My friend is a professional and works full-time, their two children are cared for by their father who does an excellent job.

  14. I think there are good and bad parents but a child needs a mother and father both equally. I think what is bad is when couples decide to have children but expect someone else to bring them up. The early years of a child's life are vital for love and emotional growth and I wouldn't want anyone taking that place form me.

  15. ..i raised my kids alone, and they're doing fine.. who the h**l said that i'm bad for my kids?

    sexism is not enough reason to discredit parenting... a******s!

  16. his may sound crazy to a lot of people but I think that it is demeaning to the human race for anyone to state that either gender is more essential than the other when it comes to child rearing.  All through-out taxonomy you see mammals surviving in situations where there is only one parent present. To suggest that the human race is less capable of that is really selling us short I think.  I do believe that a mother is needed to nurse the young.  But after the weening period any off-spring can develop properly within a single parent home  provided that the single parent is a strong one. It doesn't matter whether that strong parent is a male or female.

  17. I wouldn't mind if this was just a social stereotype that could be debunked, but this has crept its way into law as well. Divorce judges consider the mother to be the better parent by default, and the father has to be twice the parent the mother is to be considered half as good by the judges. I'm not going over the top here, because it is true. There are consequences of this sexism in courts (read the links at the end to get an idea), and they aren't good.

    Now, this is just my philosophy, but do read it:

    Fathers are as necessary as mothers because they are as ready to say 'No' as mothers are ready to say 'Yes'. Fathers focus on what the child deserves, while mothers focus on what the child needs. This may seem confusing now, but read on.

    Early on, when the child is an infant and growing up, it needs a lot. Plenty of what the child needs comes automatically to mothers: breast milk. As the infant grows up, mothers become accustomed to giving the child what it asks, and have no qualms about saying 'Yes'. This is where the father comes in.

    Fathers play a crucial role by saying 'No'. They teach the child to fend and provide for itself, so that it will be ready for an independent family life of its own.

    The child needs both to survive in the world. The importance of fathers isn't less than the importance of mothers. Mothers are also less willing to discipline their children and keep them in line. Motherly love and care is unbeatable, but so is the tough love of dads that helps the child survive as an adult, and keeps them out of trouble with the law.

    FACT: A child that never had a father is yet to be born.

    The stats speak for themselves:

    Almost all serial killers and other prisoners grew up without dads. Why? No dad to keep them in line. Mothers are very reluctant to do that.

    But why is there no change? Ouch, someone shouted child support in my ear! That does hurt!

    Feminists are partly responsible for this, and there is no denying it.

  18. Economic changes in society have meant that in many families both parents have to work, and I think children do lose out developmentally from not having a parent at home. I think a child should be raised by someone they have a strong attachment to, but that person doesn't necessarily have to be the mother. A father, or even grandparent, can do a great job. It really depends on how well an individual has bonded with the children.

  19. Well yeah since most fathers are just average men who go out for lotsa drinks and come back drunk not caring about the child and then when the child gets older he/she will start copying the father.

    Now some fathers are the good kind it depends really on country like say German fathers aren't like that and Irish fathers are.

  20. i think that just goes way back to the primitive idea that the man brings home the bacon and the women stays home and takes care of the kids.  

    and of coure who do cops look at when their is abuse,  guys are usually more agressive and they dont have that natural mothering instinkt

  21. I've never thought that it is bad for a father to raise children and I don't know anyone who does.

  22. Nope. My dad raised me half of my life you might aswell say. And i was brought up fine :)

  23. Well "some people" probably think in general terms in being that fathers soley raising children would provide less affection and attention,and more discipline and structure . "Strict" rules and less emotional support would lead to a profound acting out of defiance as teens and may lead to social and economic troubles down the line.

  24. It is the progressive liberal thinking who has wormed their way to positions to push their agenda.

  25. I dont think thats true at all?

  26. yes, i have felt this way for... ever.  and what about grandparents?  aunts and uncles?  close friends and neighbors?  it takes a village...

  27. The problem here is that feminism, especially the radicals within, have painted a terrible picture for what men are.

    Rapists, perverts, ect...  In any case, they are not to be trusted according to feminism.

    Feminism has fooled society into believing that women make better parents by default.  This way, they can birth a man's child.  Run away with it.  And then suck money out of the guy and cut him out of the picture.  Rinse and repeat.  Why go to a sperm bank for a baby when you can get a man's money along with one?

    The reality of it is that the vast majority of prison inmates were raised by single mothers.

  28. Real quick as I'm short on time today:

    The central tenant of Feminism is that women are abused, oppressed, preyed upon, etc.  This explains everything in their lives they feel is wrong or bad or whatever.

    For this to be true, there must be an oppressive, predatory, abuser...and the only available candidate for that is men.

    It therefore follows that if men are oppressive, predatory abusers, they de facto cannot be good parents.

    Besides, everyone knows that men are brutal, nasty, violent, and unenlightened creatures.  Only women (or womyn) are civilized and mature enough to be entrusted with raising a child.  Obviously.

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