
Why do some people refuse to follow rules of the road?

by  |  earlier

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Daily I see people run stops signs, talk on cell phones (which is illegal here), tailgate, pass in no pass lanes, go under the speed limit when not requires, go WAAAAAAY over the speed limit and are just plain rude. I don't get it.




  1. Very simple............rude, immature and flat out stupidity.....

  2. Too many people show an alternate side of their personalities when they get behind the wheel. When they are not driving, they are the nicest people in the world, great friends and neighbors. But when they crank up that 250 hp machine, suddenly, they feel that they have the power to go anywhere, as fast as they want and muscle anyone off the road that gets in their way. They do it because they can. It's not too illegal because they haven't been caught yet. It's not dangerous because they haven't hit anybody/thing yet. I mean, c'mon. What's your problem? If you don't like the way I drive, stay off the sidewalk, right? Nothing is going to happen to me because I can control my machine and make it do what I want because nothing has happened to me before, right?

    If I am not in control of myself - discipline. judgment, ego, awareness, physically - there is no way I can control my vehicle.

  3. because, sadly, the majority of the population is ignorant. they don't care, and WON'T care until they are near death in the hospital because of they're actions. more than half the people on the road should not be there!  

  4. well, take it from me.  I like to drive like a jackass ( tailgate, speed, swerve between people, race ) but thats because i have a car that fast and built to handle daily abuse!  Its almost like an adrenaline rush swerving and speeding.  But on the other end, some people are just plain stupid and dont know how to drive haha.  Just cause it is illegal doesnt mean people wont do it!  and i havnt gotten pulled over yet!

    I answered this perfectly, but still are getting thumbs down? i guess thats what you get on Y/A

  5. sometimes people need speed.  Sometimes it is dangerous.  I think we should maintain a balance between the two.

  6. Because they have no respect for anyone. The rest of their miserable lives are reflected in their driving habits. Rude, inconsiderate, and self centered. I see it every day.

  7. The first guy hit is right on the head. The sad thing is they learned that behavior from their parents just like their children (should they live that long) will learn from them. And as for the little child that answered second I doubt he will have any off spring hopefully he will only take him self out.  

  8. Ignorance and stupidity.  

  9. Unfortunately, there are a lot of drivers on the road that think the rules do not apply to them. They must have gotten the strange idea that they are special and can pretty much drive how ever they want. I get really annoyed at people that drive with a cell phone glued to their ear. I have came close to having a accident on several occasions because some idiot was too busy yakking on their cell phone and was not paying attention to the road. I wish people would put down their cell phones while driving before they kill themselves or someone else.

  10. Unfortunately we can't control others bad choices...and it ultimately will affect someone who is "playing by the rules" No one is perfect but there are always those who push the limits.

    And message for hick, it's only a matter of time before it catches up to you.....they are not called accidents because the drivers where in control.

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