
Why do some people say America is the Land of the Free?

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2 million prison inmates

80 million american women trapped in marriages suffering domestic abuse

35 million trapped in Poverty

46 million trapped without health insurance

where is this all this freedom at??




  1. because those of us not in those situations, have the freedom to get up off our butts and do something about it if we actually want to

  2. We were free when this country was first founded.  Now you have to pay for driving lessons, pay for a driver's license, wear your seat belt or pay a ticket.  Drive the speed limit or pay for a ticket.  Pay taxes on anything and everything.  Pay for education.  Don't speak your mind or some group will be offended and then you will be in a lawsuit and have to pay for all of that.  I could go on....

  3. 2 million prison inmates- went to jail for a reason. do the crime, do the time.

    80 million american women trapped in marriages suffering domestic abuse- divorce is perfectly legal, and there are many self-help groups for this

    35 million trapped in Poverty- ok, this isn't so much "freedom" as it is bad planning and/or hard luck. they're free to get jobs and rise out of poverty. and there are many charities/soup kitchens/ect. that are there to help

    46 million trapped without health insurance- they do sell insurance- and many jobs offer some form of insurance.

    p.s- you forgot to mention the soldiers dieing for that freedom and the immigrants coming to find it. That's where all this freedom's at- blood sweat and tears.

  4. How about the millions of people we let in from other countries in hopes to be free from their own...

  5. Because it is.

    Those inmates committed crimes. Women can get divorces & restraining orders. The poverty-stricken can get jobs. The "uninsured" can get insurance or a better job.

    The above people were free to choose which life they wanted.

  6. I am not going to  say I am one hundred percent sure about the answer.Besides it really depends on the personal feelings.SO it would better for you to find yourself.Here is a good resource.

  7. lookup spin, propaganda and brainwashing.

  8. Their constitution says they are a free nation. And I'll tell you something else, Freedom worth fighting for is freedom worth keeping!

  9. I politely disagree,

    2 million prison inmates- compare to population, it's not that bad, not great, but not horrible and most is drug related!

    80 million women in abusive marriages- their choice, we have programs for women, lots of them

    35 million poverty- ok, have you seen poverty in the US? the kids on food stamps get free lunch at school and their fridge is stocked, free housing if you apply, medicaid- not like other countries are poverty people are pretty well off if you ask me

    46million without health insurance---  yeah that really does suck

    PS-I don't see what any of these things have to do with freedom

  10. the song ....

  11. it is more free than most (islamic mainly but all others incl) places on earth.

  12. The system is flawed but is still the land of the free. Prisoners did that to themselves. Should we let them out to murder or rape one of your loved ones? Think about it.

    Women who are abused have a way out if they choose to and they should.

    Poverty is appalling but there is also a way out through hard work and college grants to educate a person in order to get out from the poverty.

    Health insurance is a business and I will grant you that this is not right. No one should be turned down or without health insurance in this country. They should look for jobs that offer health insurance.

    Ever been to Africa, the Philippines, and all the other impoverished countries that are so much worse off than us? By all means, go visit other countries that are impoverished and come back and tell me what you have seen. It will break your heart.

    Yes, we should take care of our own, but we still have enough left in our wallets and our hearts for other countries too. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

    China says you can only have one child? How would you like that?

  13. The Constitution.

  14. Lol... You'd be surprised how many things you can do in this great country, and not in others... You should be glad you live here in America.. It's nothing compared to India, Africa, Some parts of Mexico I've been to...

  15. Free, as in free to what to  think. The prisoners are in prison for a reason

  16. It's in our national anthem lolz. But every other country has poverty, prison inmates, people without health insurance, women married to abusive men. It's just a part of this "wonderful" world dude. I'm just happy to live in America because I could be in some where a lot worse.  

  17. they have been lied to. the freedom is an illusion.

  18. Privelages other countries can't have--we can vote, we can have our independence, we don't get thrown in prison or killed for having a different oppinion or disliking our government, we live in a democracy where the people can vote for our leaders, we can wear what we want to wear, we can do whatever we want (that's legal) on the internet, we have good schools that teach about other cultures and prepare children for college, we get to decide what jobs we can have (a lot of governments of different countries past and present that chose what jobs people have and chose where they live,) we can eat whatever we want (communist countries who believe that everyone MUST be equal only give their people a potatoe and a slice of bread because that's fair to other people).......

    .....I can go on and on and on. We take SO much for granted it's not even funny!

    FYI most prisoners chose their path of crime, and their choices comes with consequences.

    Women CAN escape abuse but many times are too afraid to do anything about it, though many girls and woman do.

    Our poverty is NOTHING compared to poverty in Africa, Middle East, and other countries who literally have nothing, who die in the streets of starvation. In one Middle Eastern country (was it Pakistan?) if a woman stepped out of her home, she would be beaten, robbed, raped and murdered. Some people can't even survive past their driveway before they get attacked by terrorists with guns.

    In many cases, health insurance doesn't even exist in other poorer countries. Be lucky we DO have that.

    So when you ask where is your freedom, look at your computer screen, look at the safe secure walls of your home, look at your nice bed, look inside of your refrigerator and the food you have in it, look at your neighbors and be glad you have neighbors instead of rubbel from bomb explosions and terrorists waiting for you with guns in their hands, look at your work (if you have one) and be glad you are given the oppurtunity to have a job and pay for yourself [and/or family], look at our soldiers and realize that they are protecting us from having the Iraq war on OUR soil, look at the American flag... Freedom is all around you. Appreciate all you have.

    Thank you and good day.

  19. Lol, those ppl got into those bad situations on their own. The rest of the US is better than the other countries where women have to cover every single part of their body for example. So besides the fact of those ppl the US is a very free place to live:]

  20. We used to feel that we were in the Land of the Free here in the UK but more laws and regulations by our government are eroding that freedom.

  21. It's just a song well we can make more decisions for ourselves, than some other country's

  22. all those people were FREE to choose that path of life!!!! no one forced them to be inmates, or get married to abusive men, or be poor or not have health insurance.

  23. In Russia

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