
Why do some people say female anatomy (v****a) is more attractive than male anatomy (p***s)? ~details inside~?

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i've heard this several times-

guys parts are compared to sausages and hot dogs-

while girls on the other hand i've never heard it being said as gross- except for the fish like smell- LOL-

weird question-

but i'm wondering- its kind of rude for people to say it-

these stereotypes-

but when you hear some guys who fear being too small there- and guys who don't even like the way their manhood looks- i kind of wonder! what's our society promoting about men and their anatomy! i know for women we aren't seen as beautiful if we age with wrinkles or get dimples/pimples in our skin-grey hair-or fat-and guys on the other hand its not a big deal-the man p**n that sells is promoting the woman-in the video-not so much the man-unless its g*y p**n- or something along those lines- feel free to write what u like-




  1. well they're both not cute, haha but they're kinda beautiful cause they're nature you know. lol that's a weird answer but it's how i see it i guess

  2. I definitely think the female form is more beautiful than the male.  It's about smooth lines and elegance.  The woman can be naked and it's a thing of beauty - all smooth curves and no abrupt protrusions.  The v****a is just more "neat".

    The male form is generally less beautiful in my opinion (though, there are some male specimens that are definitely beautiful).  The male form is harder and less elegant - but more powerful.  The thing is, a man can have a great looking body but when he's naked, the way his p***s looks can affect his entire image.  He may have a great body, but if his p***s is just a little nub then it takes away from the majesty of his look.  That's why I said the v****a is "neater" because it's tucked in and so it doesn't affect the entire body's image as much.  But, because the male p***s is a protrusion, it is subject to being more critiqued than a v****a is.  It's why guys are so concerned about size.  Ideally, the beautiful male form would have a well-built muscular but trim body, a good-looking face, and a well-hung look for when the p***s is flaccid.  It should actually droop and hang and sway in the wind.  When it's erect, it should be rock hard and be perked up ready to please.

    However, this is a generality between vaginas and peni.  On an individual basis, some vaginas look better than others.  Some are tucked in nicely whereas others are rather frumpy looking.  Same goes for peni - some look better than others.  It's a matter of taste.

    I hope this answers your question.

  3. Actually, I always thought it resembled a gash or open wound.  I've never been thrilled by looking at one, but I HAVE been grossed out by looking at them before.  Some are just nasty or really bizarre looking, with weird flaps or too much skin or...

    Never mind, I'll stop before I get reported.

    My guess is, it's easier for guys to actually see what they look like than it is for women, who would need to squat over a mirror.  Out of sight, out of mind.

  4. hhahaha details inside???

  5. Do you need an answer or should we agree to a embarrassing question?

  6. I'd have to say that I heard a woman's anatomy described like a flower, the man's is just more abrupt.

  7. my wife says my manhood is the prettiest one so far...

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