
Why do some people say that global warmings a hoax and that al gores a liar?

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  1. What U want to see U do. Look at Gore and the way he lives. Do U think he believes that if he doesn't change the world will end. It is just a good money maker for him...

  2. I def. believe in global warming, but it turns out that Al Gore was just taking other people's credits. He isn't a liar because what he is saying IS true, its just that HE didn't figure all that stuff out.

  3. Because the scientific community is not even being allowed to investigate this question openly. Just ask these guys:

  4. because it is a hoax,it is junk science,there is no proof of any climate change.algore is hated because he helped push this hoax and is making millions off of stupid people

  5. We're seeing the effects of Climate Change everyday! There's a difference between them. The sunspots activity has increased recently which makes things hotter. The planet got hotter.

    There are hundreds more facts like this which show that global warming is a scam to get more money out of the tax payer

  6. Well because for anyone who paid attention in school knows it is a hoax. Every claim that has been made by the AGW religion has been proven false over and over since Big Al first started hawking it to the suckers.

  7. I don't think it's a "hoax", per se. That would imply that it's being done for laughs. I'd say it's more of a scam, because it's being pushed on us so environmentalists can get their agenda validated, politicians can get more power, and profiteers can make money (those who sell carbon credits, for example). Not to mention the peer pressure in the academic community which often prevents scientists from telling the truth.

    The sun makes things hot. Sometimes it's hotter than others. That's all there is to it.

    Oh, and Al Gore is a huge hypocrite, too. You don't need a science degree to see that.

  8. Al Gore is a politician which automatically makes him a liar so he isn't the best spokesperson for the issue. However, climate change is not a hoax; perhaps the people who think it is don't want to change their lifestyles or are afraid of the future looking apocalyptic.

  9. because every day more and more people are finding holes in the arguments against believeing the crowd..  here is another groups for ya

  10. Because, global warming is a hoax, and Al Gore is a liar.  There are thousands of actual, real, scientists who do not subscribe to the global warming theory.  On the other hand, global warming activiists include such authorities as actors, politicians, and politically correct governments who have a vested interest in damaging the economy of the US.


    Serously...would you care to name one of the effects seen?

    You can't, can you?  No, didn't think so.

  12. Because they are dumbasses.

  13. Even the media isn't buying it anymore.   Global Warming stories are falling to the back pages.  Eventually they'll be out altogether.  Man, there's just too much evidence out there supporting the fact Global Warming is just a scam created to make a few wealthy.  CO2 doesn't even cause warming. It causes cooling.  They couldn't even get that part right.

    Al Gore needs to be sued.

  14. maybe beacause it and he is

  15. We saw the effects of global cooling in the 70s every day.  Earth has been much hotter than it is today and its also been through several ice ages.  Most of them well before humans were around.  I know its hard to believe but everything has cycles.

    Al Gore is a hypocrite.  He tells everybody to save energy and cut back on all this stuff.  All while he flies around in a private jet and uses more electricity in his 10k sq ft house in a month than the normal person would use in years.

  16. Man made global warming means there is a source of atmospheric heat that is changing the weather formula. Humans can't see temperature until it is glowing "red hot".

    The argument about climate change exists because we can't see temperature and the sciences argue climate change for the same reasons, they can't see temperature. It is hard to imagine that the universities and research of the world consider temperature with great accuracy in a calculator. The problem is that the information inputted into the calculator has to be accurate or the science has errors.

    Politicians jumped on climate change to find the problem and have labelled CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions as the cause of atmospheric warming. Al Gore presents that science and the world has jumped on the bandwagon instead of letting scientists see the science supporting those claims.

    I am a temperature specialist and agree that global warming is very real, however I do not agree with CO2 and GHG causing the weather changes being experienced all over the world. Al Gore isn't a scientist and doesn't have a background in emissions, he should present the issue and leave the science to the professionals.

    I participated in the most advanced temperature imaging and research in the world to qualify the source of man made heat atmospherically. Solar radiation including the same UV that burns our skin is in effect burning buildings. The heat generated is extreme and sometimes close to boiling temperature. The problem is that buildings aren't designed, insulated or insured for the temperatures they are generating and we are reacting to the symptoms with air conditioning.

    Air conditioning is in fact refrigeration and is associated with ozone depletion, massive electrical waste, mercury emissions, acid rain, toxic babies, autism and the list goes on.

    Here is a link that will show you the heat generated with graphic temperature imaging. You will also see how trees, shade and lighter colors, low-e paints, etc can deal with the source without emissions.

    Using cheaper energy isn't going to stop the heat, we have to eliminate the source instead of reacting to heat symptoms.

  17. some people are too obnoxious to realize what we're doing. some are too stupid or in denial.

  18. Al Gore might be the single biggest hypocrite in the history of hypocrites.

  19. I think people understand there is global warming they are just skeptical of man causing global warming.  As for Al Gore I believe he used the extreme possibilities and labled them as fact.

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