
Why do some people spend more time...........????

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hating on a driver than they actually do rooting for one?

Isn't this kind of a waste of time? If they put half the amount of energy into rooting for their choice of driver as they did into bashing on another fans driver (no matter who it might be) then Nascar would have more really great fans and this forum would be a nicer place to be at times!!

What are my Nascar friends opinion on this?




  1. Amen sister, you speak the truth.  And how about the tr0!!$?  If they were to take that creativity and energy and applied it something constructive they could do some incredible things.  Instead they toil over something that leaves them with absolutely nothing in the end.  I do this because I enjoy seeing what everybody else has to say about my favorite sport and I always learn something new everyday about NA SCAR.  If I wasn't a fan I don't know what the purpose of coming here would be.  I will give my opinions on other drivers but I try to do it as objectively as I can.  On the other hand, I love defending my favorite driver to the ignorant and the haters, they can be an easy target when they start spouting their mouth about something they know very little about.

    3 STAR8 N 08!!!

  2. I use to bash Juan Pablo Montoya, but I gave up because he can drive and I respect each driver for their own talents/or lack there of.  

    I think some spent time bashing a driver because it puts a little more panache into their lives.  What would Yahoo answers be without bashing?

    I prefer us Nascar fans stick together and bash other sports we hate---instead of drivers.  I mean we watch Nascar because we are supposed to love racing.

  3. Seriously!  I don't have that much energy to waste on hating.  There are just those kinds of people and we all make up our big world.  It would be a nicer place but everyone has the right to an opinion you know.  And you what opinions are like?  Don't you?

  4. Well, can you imagine if everyone liked everyone...that would make for a very boring race season.  No one would want to upset anyone so they would not pass, bump draft, nudge, "accidentally" wreck out someone.  I think it makes for better racing if you have fans who are outspoken about other drivers.  I have done Daytona 2006 when Tony Stewart got wrecked out.  The people around me there did not care what I thought and some agreed with me as well.  It just makes it fun.  Not everything is about being nice and getting along.  That is why there is a field of many drivers and many sponsors.

  5. I have to agree with Tina, I don't think all people say stuff just to bash other drivers, I also believe they like to kid around. Don't take everything so personal. I also believe the Shrub is an idiot. Case in point. LOL

  6. For me it's simple.  The folks that stop in here just to bash are very unhappy individuals and it makes life more rewarding for them to try and cause conflict in every aspect of their lives and that includes fans and this forum. They get a kick out of pi$$ing people off.  You know what they say "Misery loves company"  and it sure holds true here.

  7. As long as people have a favorite they will have a least favorite. And as hard as we cheer for our favorite we are also human and negative by nature.

    We just can't handle cheering for our guy we also have to cheer against the other guy. All those morales they try to instill in you in little league never really catch on. They only last as long as the hot dog or ice cream at the end of the game.

    Plus I think having the same atheletes all facing one another every time creates move familiarity with "the enemy". Basketball, Football, Baseball, it's almost always a different opponent every day/ week. Nascar you are always fighting the same guys up front. "it was kyle who took my spot" or "d**n hamlin took us out".

    We get to spend way more time getting to know these guys then we do with, say the 30 second interview of the quarterback after the win. Once again it's familiarity with the drivers, good or bad, that allows us to form deeper opinions about them. Aside from bad press (hey this linemen got arrested) or goo press (look who's dating a super model), when is the last time you got to see them talk about themselves off the field/ court.  

    I think it has always been that way, and always will.

  8. It's just the way the section works. Bashing on other people's drivers who you don't like is fun, plus it gets you pumped for the next race.

  9. This day in time in our society there are just too many people in the world that are filled with hate. Its particularly bad in here, but for the most part the haters and bashers in here are kids that dont have nothing better to do. School is out.

  10. I only bash Kyle Busch but I spend most of my time rooting for Dale Jr than bashing other drivers besides the Busch Brothers

    Go Dale Jr #88

  11. I think its easier to say why you dislike a driver than it is to say why you like the driver you like.  I know exactly why I dislike Stewart and J. Gordon.  But I really have no idea why I pull so hard for Kenseth.  I definitely spend more energy pulling for Kenseth than rooting against other guys though.

  12. If I used all my energy I spend pulling for Elliott Sadler on bashing drivers, I would have been chased out as the worst troll months ago. People can have their dislikes and show it but there is a line between agreeing to disagree and being a (fill in your favorite cuss word here).

  13. With any sport you have to have that rival that you boo every time you hear the name.  Its part of any competitive anything.  I dont believe in taking it as far as tossing beer cans at a drivers car, but you have to boo and hisss to get into the spirit of the competition.  And your in here asking an opinion basically so your going to get the good and the bad but in my opinion that makes this forum a good one.  You get some of both sides of the story.  I think Nascar fans are the best anyway because with my friends we all go for different drivers so talking smack is half the fun but for us its all in good fun.  Hope that can make you see it differently.

  14. I think most of the time people like pretending that the other people on Internet is their friends and they like to pick at people a little (to be honest). What they fail to realize is that when they post their comments that they are (in reality) dealing with the public (complete strangers)  and not their couch buddies that watch the race with them.

    Here on Y/A it's called trolling. In a different situation where everyone actually knew each other it would be called joshing, kidding, picking at someone, etc,,,

    NASCAR is a sport and opinions about sports can vary and get pretty personal and some people don't take that into consideration when asking OR answering questions.

    People need to have an open mind when posting Q/A's. Keep in mind how someone else COULD interpret it and search for a better choice of words and there would be less friction. (IMO)

  15. Because every fan here is outnumbered by JR fans. These same JR fans are allowed to talk smack about every other driver, and they do it non-stop. The first time a fan of another driver starts to type anything that could be seen as negative, they get crushed. I think it is the other drivers' fans of saying, hey "JR Nation" you're not the only people on here so leave the rest of us alone. They constantly bash Kyle Busch over every little thing, but can't take it if someone does it back.

    Don't believe me? Check out the thumbs down I'll get.

  16. Agreed! That's always been my motto, I'd rather pour my energy supporting Kyle, rather than wasting it trashing on drivers I'm not a fan of.

    Everyone has the right to pick their own favorite driver, alot of people will never understand why I'm Rowdy's fan, I'll never understand why Jr. ended up with 85% of nascar fans behind him. Some people are just better suited being fans of a certain driver. For me, it's Kyle, for you it's Jr. so be it.

  17. Usually because that driver beat or wrecked their favorite driver in a race.

  18. Its just the way people are, its this way in all sports, even me with basketball and the Lakers I can't stand them and I live in So Calif. I think Nascar fans do it because they like to stayed fired up its been that way forever in Nascar evan back in the 60's and 70's, when I started following the sport. Its not gonna change, I guess thats why theres chocolate and vanilla, everyone has their own opinion, Nascar fans are passionate about their drivers, theres some you like and some you don't, I just do not like the word hate, there's way to much of it in the world already...Theres just some drivers that I just do not like..

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

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