
Why do some people support McCain?

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what are the reasons some people support him and his proposals? And why do some people like President Bush for what he has done well?

Don't read too much into it. I am merely curious.




  1. Has Bush done something well???

    McCain supporters love the lies of the last 8 years.  They feel comfortable with that level of unlawfulness and stupidity of the Bush administration.  Bushy is their guy.  McCain offers nothing else except he's sleepier and about half crazy.

  2. there brainwashed, just like the people who support Obama,Both are puppets.

  3. The GOP can not find any better candidate so they are stuck with McSame.   He's got the look and feel of a loser.

    Maybe their sights are fixed on 2012.

    Spose' they had to run SOME one.

    My FRIENDS, I can't think of a more fitting person to run for the GOP presidential candidate.

  4. I for one will probably vote for McCain simply because the man has experience on both sides of things. He has been in the military, where Obama has not. He has long served our country while holding values that many Americans share with him, Obama has not.

    Obama is a very good speaker, but seriously lacks experience where it is needed.

    I like Bush for those things he has done well and I dislike him for those things he has not done well. As far as most of our politicians go, whether democrat or republican, they have done a very poor job of running our country.

    All these politicians need to pull their heads out of their rears and get to work fixing the problems of our country.

    Illegals, inflation, income tax

    We need to look harder for solutions to the problems we face.

    P.S. I like democratic presidents when they do things well too. Just havent seen one that could lately.

  5. McCain is experienced in foreign policy, knows how to win a war and will tax us out of our homes.

  6. Well, with Mccain, for the most part I'm voting against obama.

    But my first issue is Abortion.  McCain has a pretty solid prolife record.  Obama described a baby as a punishment.

    The war.  McCain want victory.   Obama.... Well... doesn't

    Taxes.  While he voted against the Bush tax cuts (one of the things that I liked about Bush) he's for them now, and he doesn't want socialized health care. (which will REALLY raise taxes)  Unfortunately McCain does beleive in Global Warming cap and trade... Sigh....

    With Bush, the same reasons, though I wish he would have gone into Iraq with two or three hundred thousand troops, I wish he would have fought harder to privatize SSI.

    It's just that Barack really has nothing going for him.  he's prochoice, pro defeat and protax.

  7. Party loyalist the term in NY is DIXIECRAT'S it comes from old southern Democrats who thought party was more important than the person running. Only now (the past twenty - thirty years or so) the republicans have taken up the torch. Democrats being for the most part liberal are more inclined to swing vote. What did Bush do well? (other than s***w everything up well.) Funny those thinking Mc Cain is so right for the job passed him up for the past eight years to support an idiot and a dangerous one at that.

  8. I've been watching McCain's career since the 90's.  I think he has been on the correct side of more issues than any other politician in DC.  He also has a history of working with both parties to find practical, workable solutions to our problems.  He is a guy who gets things done instead of stubbornly whine about it, like most partisan politicians.

    I can't stand Bush.  He's a moron.

  9. Because he doesn't associate with domestic terrorists (Bill Ayers)  like Obama.  And I don't have to worry about him taking my guns and jacking up my taxes!!

  10. Support for McCain comes from his years of experience in times of war and his long political history.  He also comes from a long line of people who have dedicated and pledged their lives to protect this land.  Have a good evening.  I hope I did not offend you with my answer.

  11. lesser of two evils

  12. I support McCain because he understands the realities in the Middle East and the world;  I also like his record in the Senate.  Although I don't always agree with him, I like the way he does what he feels is right - whether the other Republicans like it or not.  He is more interested in governing than in being popular.  That takes courage.

    I like the same quality in Bush.  Many of history's best presidents were not popular ones.  Bush always does what he feels is right - not popular.  I'm sure that choice has caused him and his family a lot of pain, given the social climate.   I also think that the complaints I have heard about him have little to do with reality - and a lot of repitition of vicious rumor.  It's disgusting.   I think he had to face things that no other president has had to, and I think he did his absolute best.  And I think history will show that he didn't do too bad a job, either.

    Both of these men are people who seem to be directed by personal principle rather than popular opinion.  I really admire that, and again, it takes courage.  I'd rather have a principled person running the country, rather than one who merely talks about being principled while pandering for popularity to the masses.

  13. Its more they CANT AND WONT support Obama not so much supporting McCain. This will be the third election in a row I will be voting against someone and not for them if I hold my nose or I may just vote for the Libertarian.

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