
Why do some people take advantage of good hearted people???

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Just wondering........ what makes some people take advantage of people who are tender hearted????? I try to live by the golden rule, but people seem to take advantage of me because of it, why????




  1. selfishness, greed, power, etc.  there's nothing wrong w/saying no to people.  i would recommend staying away from people who you know have been known to do such things.

  2. I don't know why, but I think it's important for people to learn to set boundaries with others so that they don't get walked all over. We have to take some responsibility in not letting people use us. I do understand what you mean, I am the same way, I had to learn to say no, so that I didn't resent others.

  3. Because we are not the same people. I think it is a kind of failure to thrive as in biology but it is the conscience which remains sickly and self exculpatory. Rather than identify their illness (which I believe is impossible for them) they attribute the causality to externalities rather than an internal diagnostic.

  4. Because cons think good-hearted people are weak and easy to take advantage of.

  5. Myself I know people have taken advantage of my kindess. There is a saying, it is better to give than to receive. Some people will treat  you the way you treat them and then there are other people that the more you give them the more they take. I recently drop a friend that I would share whatever I had, clothes, beads, paint you name it batteries etc. and after she was gone home, I would still be missing other articles that I knew I had not given to her. Or when I would go to her house I would see my missing things, I confronted her plenty of times and she did not stop. I had no choice and I do not regret it.

  6. Unfortunately there lots more greedy and heartless people we can ever imagine . Yes I had been taken advantage many times ; but my consolation is ; what goes around comes around ; and also because of spiritual beliefs I am sure to be rewarded ; when I cross over

  7. I know what you mean- this happens to me sometimes. I'm generally polite, nice to everyone I meet, try to help people out, and display social decency. It seems though that at least half the time, I am totally shat on for all my efforts to be a good human being.

    For some people, it's to gain a sense of power or control. They feel good about themselves when they know they have taken advantage of another person. It makes them feel smarter or superior in some way.  I know of someone who worked in marketing. He that if he could make $100 the honest way or $100 by cheating someone, he would opt to cheat someone, because then he knows he's smarter than them. Crazy, huh?

    For others, I suppose it could be just being a selfish person. They don't care who they hurt or whose lives they ruin, just so long as they get the things or attention that they want.

    For both these types of manipulation, taking advantage of good hearted people happens more simply because good hearted people are generally easier to take advantage of.

    Don't let it get you down. I know it's disappointing to realize that some people can be so horrible, but remember- they can't really  know what it's like to be truly loved, admired, or respected. They only know what it is to be feared and for people to be weary of them. Their lives will never be half as fulfilling as yours will be in the long run. You can still be a good and giving person, just be more aware of the types of people you interact with and be careful.

    Good luck

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