
Why do some people take off after seeing a horrible accident instead of sticking around to make sure?

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that the victim(s) is/are going to get proper medical care? I witnessed a motorcycle drive into a car in the lane next to me on the highway, and luckily I saw it in enough time to break and stop kinda far away because this poor man went flying up in the air and then landed and rolled on the pavement about 12 feet away from my vehicle.....I stayed so no one would further crash or even run the man over. A surgeon on her way to work stopped, an EMT not on duty stopped later, and right before the ambulance got there some state troopers rolled up to the scene.

Oh, and the poor man he had crashed into was there the whole time, blaming himself when it wasn't his fault at all.

I couldn't believe the scene, I was the only witness that stayed to talk to the police....

But a bunch of rubberneckers caused a few small fender benders trying to catch a good look, so I don't know.

Maybe I am in shock?




  1. As a paramedic myself, I know people want to see, it's just human nature, but unless you have some medical training, you are just in the way and you should move, the responders that are helping by treating the patient and directing traffic until 911 gets there should remember to keep the emergency lane clear and leave plenty of room for the ambulance and police and possibly a firetruck.

  2. People are sheep. They just follow the herd. If one driver pulls away, they all pull away. But if several get out and help, others will too. Human nature or mob mentality, whatever you want to call it.

  3. I Agree with Kenbgray, people dont really like to talk to the police and would rather get to were they need to go. Some people wont give a few minutes of their time to solve a problem. Nice way to put it Kenbgray!

  4. They don't want to get involved, but they want to know what is going on.

  5. They want to know what happen but at the same could care less to help, this is just the way people are "rubberneckers".

  6. I guess in general  people are just   curious but realize that they really can not be of assistance,nothing wosre than pulling over and being in the way. that being said, I once witnessed a man get hit by a car on a busy street and he was thrown at least 10 feet and was unconsious, i did pull over to make sure that help was coming,called 911 and stayed with the person who did have a pulse and was breathing until emergency personnel arrived, but i am a nurse and feel obligated to help,once the emts and ambulances arrived and police of course i stepped aside but did take the time to speak to the police officer about what I witnessed. but many times as a nurse i am looking to be sure that the proper care is with the patient,   scary things to witness though!!!

  7. Unless the witness is personally qualified to provide the medical care, the best way to ensure that the victim gets the proper care is go look for a telephone to call for an ambulance, the police, etc., not to stick around.  The only persons who should remain are those who (a) are already involved, (b) might be needed for questioning when the police arrive, (c) are using a cell phone to call for police or an ambulance, (d) are personally capable of providing assistance, (e) are required by law to stop, etc.  Lots of unnecessary stopped cars just blocks traffic and makes it take longer for the ambulance and police to arrive.

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