
Why do some people think Jews are their own race?

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just curious?




  1. I suppose it is a matter of simplified thinking or unscientific opinions that would lead some to think Jews are their own race. They are actually an ethnic group.

    It is quite a controversial topic. So feel free to disagree with me.  I believe there are only really 5 distinct races in the world. Three are commonly known (simply) as white, black, and asian. The other two groups which are much smaller in number are Koisan (S. Africa) and the Aboriginal of Australia. It is possible to break down races even further, but that would seem to lead to an endless breaking down. (See Tiger Woods-he may be the only member of his own racial group if he chooses) I would argue that further divisions should be made as to ethnicity rather than race.

  2. they are ignorant racists my friend.

  3. Judaism is a religion not a race.

  4. That might be because they tend to marry within their religion, and have been doing so for so many centuries that they have separated themselves from the other populations that they coexist with and which interbreed more freely.

    This is more a social phenomenon though, as this would have to continue uninterrupted for hundreds of thousands of years to create a truly separate race.

  5. Jews are actually in the same race with the Arabs, although they are different peoples. That's according to some people, I don't if its actually true. Their race is Semitic.

  6. They are.

  7. Judaism is a religion. The Jews are a people. Although many Jews practice Judaism, not all of them do. Some Jews have converted to other religions, and many Jews are atheists. But they remain Jews, nonetheless.

    The situation between Jewishness and race is the reverse of that with the White race. The White race is composed of many different cultures, with race being the common element to them all. The Jewish people share a common cultural identity, but there are several races predominating among them.

    The largest race among the Jews are the Ashkenazim, or the East European Jews. Their biological ancestry traces in part to the Khazars of the early middle ages, who in turn began as a racial hybrid drawn from Iranian and Turk progenitors (source: The History and Geography of Human Genes, by Cavalli-Sforza et al). Besides Iranian and Turk, the Ashkenazim have some Semitic (Arab) ancestry.

    They also have a bit of European-Russian genes, though not so much as you might think by looking at them. The Jews have not assimilated biologically with the White race to any great extent. Those that resemble Whites were favored as immigrants in White countries, where they blended in, while the different-looking Jews left for other places. The Jews who resembled Whites married each other, mostly; they did not marry (much) among the White peoples. The convergence of appearance by this means is only partial: you can still tell a Jew by looking, about half of the time.

    That's why Jews are all eager to mix White countries with other races. When the eyes of others are filled with the broad spectrum of race, from Black to White, they won't notice the Jewish differences so much. Or so the Jews hope. That will let the Jews systematically loot from others while throwing the blame on institutions, or on circumstances, rather than on the Jews as a race.

  8. Because it's confusing. Tribes of Israel.

  9. could it be because they're a mutally exclusive religion??

  10. Because it's a division tactic. Once you filter people into their own group you can either praise or blame them for anything someone of their group does.

    In reality, Jews have too many subdivisions to be their own race, but people rather convince themselves they are, just like anglo saxons convinced themselves years ago the Irish were not a part of their racial group because of their religious differences.

  11. because they are

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