
Why do some people think Obama is Muslim?

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his dad is from Kenya.




  1. I don't see a problem if he is Muslim or not. Why does it matter the beliefs of a person. Yes, lately all Muslims are accused of being terriorist becasue of the media. People shouldn't be so ignorant and read about the Islamic faith. It is very similar to Judism and Christianity.

    To answer your question, his father is Muslim.

  2. Please read:

    Maxhall2 is wrong. Muslims are NOT like Christians and Jews and their "religion of peace" contains many violent terrorists.

    Not all Muslims are committing terror, but being a Muslim is like supporting Reverend Wright. Belonging is supporting. Even if Obama switched over to Reverend "God d**n Amerca" Wright's church of hate, how much better is that, really?

  3. they have been fed a lot of misinformation by the KKK, and since they have racist inclinations any way, they swallow this c**p eagerly.

  4. Because some people want an excuse not to like him, and they are too lazy to do 20 seconds of research and find out he is not.

  5. Because a picture got out with him in Muslim-wear a few months ago, but it's not actually his culture, he was just in a way being nice to the people.

  6. well if he is one then  good for him he still has to get permission from congress to go to war . and if he wants to try and not protect isreal well we have an obligation to nato and our allies and congress will enforce that or we will see a revolution here in the states because we sighned a pack if one is attacked were all attacked and were obligated. so obama can be muslim and he has to seperate it at the front door at the white house when he takes office . he cant hurt no one because hes black or musluim hes american first and were all his people every color every faith he has to protect and serve

  7. becuase that's his family's religon

  8. His Dad was an Atheist, not Islamic.  Most people know better.  They just don't like him or are bigots and just want to slam him because they don't want him to be elected President.  And besides Muslim is an ethnicity, not a religion.  Islam is a religion.  Just look at the answer above me.  "He was educated in Muslim".  He was English educated and how can you be Muslim educated.  You can be Islamically educated.  Looks to me like Americans need much more education.  Once again, his Dad was born into the Muslim ethnicity, was an Atheist and did not practice Islam as most Muslims do.  Remember, Obama's Dad was educated in the US.  Obama is a Christian.

  9. Because his middle name is Hussien and his backround and early education was Muslim.

  10. Because of his name.

  11. I don't think he is a muslim!  I think he is a human.

  12. Obama is a Quran thumping Muslim. Period.

  13. It gives bigots a comfort zone.

    In the times we're living in, it's ok for whites to not trust Muslims, Arabs (9/11 scapegoats) and Mexicans (economy scapegoats--they're single-handedly responsible for the sub-prime mortgage lending crisis /sarcasm).

    It's not ok, however, to hate someone because he's black.

    This just makes it easier for them.

  14. Republican misinformation to confuse the American public. All political parties are guilty of misinformation, hence, the disinterest in our political processes.

  15. Because:

    U.S. needs a new "enemy" now that Soviet Union is gone, after all tension is needed for selling weapons & warmongering

    Why not fabricate one that has oil assets & Israel and Zionism wants, too...Muslims make the natural candidate

    Now that Muslims have been demonised, the racist elements can associate Obma with them, and there are enough politically and socially illiterate people in US who'll go for it!

  16. because his deceased father was a Muslim, but not practcing

    his mother wasn't Muslim though

    in Indonesia, they list your religion as your father's and Barack's stepfather was a Muslim, but again, not practicing

    he converted to Christianity but has his father's name, first, second and last

    so he is a Christian, and a proud one, so chill people!!!!!!!!

    look at his policies and his fresh new face and ideas, base him on his merits and not his color and religion

    and besides there is nothing wrong with being a Muslim, i am, i choose to be, I'm from a Christian family!

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