
Why do some people think Winnipeg is scary and or boring?

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I lived there all my life and I love it there but I wanted to know why others don't like it besides the cold weather.




  1. Personal opinion.

  2. I guess its the weather that gives it such a bum rap  "winterpeg".  It does have more days below freezing than any other major Canadian city.

    I dont see it as scary but then I've seen vancouver's downtown eastside and Toronto's Jane/Finch corridor.... now thats scary.  Winnepeg's worst areas are mildly disturbing at best.   It always seemed to me to be a nice place to live.

    Boring... well everywhere is boring if your the bored sort.  

  3. It's very flat and has very little scenery.  Lots of malls and parking lots and box stores for the most part.  Winnipeg has all the amenities larger centres have, but if you want outdoor recreation, you have to leave the city.  Unlike Vancouver, Montreal or Toronto that have large bodies of water nearby.  Winnipeg's north end is scary!  Plus, the WPS have a reputation for being, well, intolerant of any sort of BS.  I've never seen a city with so many cars with anti-theft devices.  Winnipeg is also unfriendly.  And their collective permanent case of 'perimeteritis' is really annoying.

  4. People think Winnipeg is boring because they compare it to Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver which have considerably more population and therefore more activities. Plus they have large water bodies right next to them which increases the recreational activities and improves the scenery.

    Winnipeg just has a bad reputation across Canada mainly because we are the farthest large city from any other large city so not many people actually come here for a vacation - they just assume that it's boring. And like someone else said our nickname of Winterpeg doesn't help the image either.

    As for being scary it didn't help that Winnipeg was the murder capital of Canada for so many years. That just clouds other Canadians judgment of us.

    I think Winnipeg needs a brand new marketing campaign showing all the wonderful attractions here and beautiful scenery but not just for other Canadians. It should be shown to Winnipegers to to increase our self-esteem in our city.  

  5. Because it is. It has a high crime rate for a city its population and it is kinda boring... I've visited Winnipeg in February last year and I loved it, but I've been living in it since April and I dont like it anymore. So it's not the cold weather cause the weather has been lovely few last months.

    I don't feel safe in Winnipeg and I'm very bored...and don't get me wrong, I didnt come here from Montreal or Toronto, I came here from St. John's.

    maybe the fact that you've grown up here makes it a pleasant place for you and I respect that. My hometown is a horrible place and I like it the best.

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