
Why do some people think a missile hit the Pentagon?

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I mean, I could have sworn I saw pictures that had pieces of the plane in them.

And a few light poles were knocked down

That that tons of eyewitnesses saw and said a plane hit the Pentagon

And that all 64 people on the plane died, as well as 125 other people in the Pentagon. Very sad. Sorry to all those who lost loved ones :(

If a missile hit the Pentagon, where is American Airlines Flight 77, and where are the passengers that were on the flight?




  1. I am highly skeptical of the conspiracy theories.

    What is the name of this coronor the other poster mentions?

    There is film footage of an airplane hitting the Pentagon, as well as numerous eyewitness accounts.

    I think that people just love outrageous conspiracy theories.

  2. Well, Ryan, here's a little food for thought here- Remember the planes that were videoed as they hit the buildings? Pretty clear was it not? And taken by amatures with cheap camcorders at that. Now, go to the pentagon. When they finally released a video of the event, only a fireball could be seen hitting the building. Now remember, the pentagon has the most camera security of any building in the world, with the most high tech equipment to go along with it- and all they showed us was a fireball? Another little fact here- no bodies found, no blood found, no body parts found, What happened? No plane has ever crashed in history, that bodies and body parts were not found, except the plane that hit the pentagon, and the one that crashed in the field. A coronor was called out to crash site in the field, and left after 20 minutes- he said there was no bodies , no body parts and no blood. he said the crash site looked like someone had dug a large hole in the ground, and scattered some plane parts around the area. The goverment says they were vaporized? Why has it not occured before? and has not occured since.. Another small fact here- an airline employee logged the 2 planes in and recorded their numbers in his log book at a hangar in the airport. A day after the crashes were supposed to have taken place. Somethings just aren't adding up here. We need and investigation to settle it one way or another.  

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