
Why do some people think feminists are evil???!???!??

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A lot of people say that feminists hate men, are trying to destroy society, and want to do them harm. How can a group of people who are fighting for their unalienable rights hate others? Wouldn't that be hypocrisy? It seems like male chauvinism goes unnoticed in today's society, while feminists who want equality are bashed for it. For instance, if you watched the Dr. Phil episode with d**k Masterson, you would remember that hardly anyone made a public outcry. But when Pat Robertson blamed 9/11 on feminists, everyone believed him and agreed.


Pat Robertson:




  1. If feminists didn't hate men, they wouldn't create and support anti-male laws and policies.  Feminists do say they want equality but their actions belie their claim.

  2. Some people are ignorant and wrapped up in stereotypes.

  3. Not many people hate feminists. I certainly don't, but I don't agree with them for the most part. I think that the average mainstream feminist is more in the tank for liberalism than they are for promoting women in general. For example the feminists will not rally behind Palon because she is conservative. Feminism as a movement has been destroyed because of this. They should just drop the feminist label and call themselves what they really are, liberals...


  4. Male chauvenism goes unnoticed because most men are too scared of losing their job, being a social pariah or getting in trouble with their wives/girlfriends. In fact, most younger men are so thoroughly brainwashed by our feminised education system that they actually BELIEVE women are superior.

    Personally, the vast majority of chauvenism I witness is from women who say men are inferior beings. It seems women can say exactly what they want and nobody bats an eyelid.

  5. Evil is a perceptive term. What's good for some is bad for others.

    But anyways I think the point is they are presumptious and they imperialise others with what you may call "inalienable rights" and what others may not even value.

    For example to assume that women in third world countries value equality is purely self-absorbed because you only value it since that was how you were conditioned and raised to value.

    I just think the imperialisation needs to stop. By all means present your views but don't expect ppl to listen.

    I don't think feminists are evil but they are misguided. What is equality anyway? Its just a gauge to when things are level, everyone has their own brand. Some think equal outcome (communism) is equality.. who's more right?

  6. I don't think feminist are evil, I just don't share their values. My values are derived from my faith in Jesus Christ. I can't tell you where Feminist values originate from.

    Patrick, I feel sorry for you. I don't know your background. I can only assume that you are not a Christian, which would negate your response.

  7. It is wrong to claim that feminists are fighting for equality.

    Feminists are fighting for advantages for a certain group of women, they are not even fighting for all women...married women with their husbands and children are excluded, women with boys are traitors of their own gender.

    Poor Latinas and Filipinas are useful as maids and nannies to do the laundry, shopping and cleaning of the feminist household and their salaries paid by their feminist employer are unreasonable low.

    Feminist literature is full with men-hating statements, even calling for killing of all men, like Solanas manifesto.

    Feminism is for equality? Are you kidding?

  8. Don't forget that Pat Robertson ALSO blamed the "pagans" (wtf?) and homosexuals. He's a bigot, and anybody that takes ANYTHING that guy says seriously is as crazy as he is.  

  9. It's a lot easier to say there's a vast feminist conspiracy than admit that your wife would rather be alone or be with a woman, than be with you. I haven't seen much logic coming from the anti-fem crowd, mainly I've seen ranting and raving about radicals and man-hating feminists being spewed by people who say disrespectful to downright woman-hating things about women in general, and feminists in particular.  

  10. Great points, you are pointing out that the emperor is not wearing clothes. I think I would add that most of these people who have this anger towards women trying to get rights also have problems with emmigrants having rights, and if they were not cowards would also admit that they long for the return of the Jim Crow era, these are people who listen to the marching orders of right wing radio and want to disolve the seperation between church and state. We are far behind many other countries in a gaurantee of human rights for everyone. Feminists are often openly preyed upon because they are thought to be less powerful than other groups.

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