
Why do some people think?

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That only a bunch of losers and nerds play pokemon? i mean, its pretty cool. The show is stupid (in my opinion) but i like the games a little bit. They just need to make it a little more mature. make a T rated one. Where you could choose to be good or bad. But i like the games a little. Who agrees?




  1. dunno, if it was more mature, people wouldn't play it, you know how many 5-7 year old kids bought pokemon? so many that pokemon ruby became the most sold game in the world.and most of these kids bought them because their parents bought it for them...and looked at the E rating smacked right on the package.

  2. pokemon is very addicting and fun and i also like the shows (in my opinion) i even woke up at 6 am to watch all day marathon might i add i did not miss one that whole day so uhmmm the point here is yes its a good game.

  3. The games are pretty cool but a bunch of people think its nerdy and stupid. But i like it.

  4. I agree.The show is pretty stupid but the game is the part I like because it's not like the show.On the game,you have to think of strategies and combos to help you win but on the show,they all just attack with whatever and still win.I don't like the show because Ash always wins and you know he's gonna win.

  5. I know kids that say im a nerd fer still playing it... the gameboy color pokemon games are classics! they are by far in my opinion the best games ever made for gameboy and when i tell someone i play they give me the look like "he's a wierdo" or there like "what are you 5?" they've never even played them before... the pokemon games are awesome and everyone plays them, kids that say your a nerd are just jealous ;) lmao

  6. because some people believe it cools to hate on something they don't understand or ever played. i would bet that if you force some one who make fun of you for playing pokemon, to play pokemon they would quickly become addicted. pretty much the 2nd best selling franchise of games has got to have something that make people keep buying it. that something is the factor of oppessive collecting that is the halmark of the pokemon series.

  7. I dunno, I like the game and the show (the game more) only because there's actually strategy in the show where in the game you just need the type advantage and a higher level to win.

    But the game is fun, and I can't say I haven't tried to join the evil side (and failed) but it just wouldn't be classic pokemon if it were rated T, y'know?

  8. I kind of agree with u that the show was prety retarded after u turn 11, the games are actually prety addicting if u ask me

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